Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Blown Photo Opps

So I'm totally pissed because I'm getting a digital camera (tomorrow).....everyone and their dog owns one and I don't. And I'm constantly seeing these wonderful "pictures" when I'm out places, but have no camera to capture them with. That doesn't work very well for sharing them with others.

It just happened now, damn it - I was out for my bike ride along the river and it's absolutely gorgeous tonight. As I sat on my rock at the edge of the world a kazillion things happened that warranted a picture. A huge ship passed right by me. A blue heron flew by, landed on a stump beside me and "performed". It was like he knew I wanted a picture and had no camera. All of a sudden he flew toward me, did this little "loop-de-loop" bullshit and went back to perch on the stump, "caawing" like a bloody show off. I think he went, "na na na na naah na". Then a family of muskrats swam by. And some planes took off. And all these really cool people were flying massive kites. And I missed it all because tomorrow is my day off and THAT'S when I'm buying my camera. And I'll bet nothing will happen then. Boy, am I pissed off.


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