Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Miss Half Empty

I must be Ppms'ing because today everything is irritating me. Even hearing my hair grow (or dry out, which is probably more likely). As a tribute to this, here are some things I hate (today and everyday):

1/ things stuck on the bottom of my bare foot
2/ trying to be considerate when others are sleeping, but I can't find that one notch on the TV volume between "I can't hear it"
and "too fucking loud"
3/ doing dishes
4/ coughing and sneezing
which reminds me:
5/ when other people cough and sneeze in my direction
6/ needing new clothes
7/ looking like crap in new clothes
8/ trying clothes on
9/ work when I have other, more important, things to do (like nothing)
10/my piece of shit Volvo that, just when I start thinking it's dependable & reliable, does a "NOT" and stalls in my driveway or a tunnel

That's all. Just a momentary bitch fest. Now I have to go get in my piece of shit car (sneezing), in my clothes that look like crap and pick up my son (1.5 hour drive), then rush back home to do dishes before work. Fuck. Have a nice day!


Blogger Barbara Bruederlin said...

You give good rant, girl!

I can completely relate to 90% of those things!

12:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I could've added a few more today but used some restraint. It's just one of those days that I'd rather sit around in my ratty old sweats eating chocolate covered chocolate all day, but the job and "responsibility" keep getting in the way of that.

Well, picked up my son, did the dishes - hi ho, hi ho....

1:50 PM  
Blogger Alana Elliott said...

Oh man, I could relate to all of those things too! ESPECIALLY the things on the bottom of my bare feet, and you try to shake it off and it doesn't work and you can still feel it while you're walking so you have to rub it off on a carpet or something! ARGH! I feel your pain, Debz.

3:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

THAT'S EXACTLY IT!!! It was tape that, once I'd done the foot/carpet rub, it rolled up in a little ball and stuck again! Uggggh, I have no patience for this today.

9:02 PM  
Blogger Alana Elliott said...

LOL, jeeze! Tape is not cool on feet. Neither are hard crunchy things. Blech.

You know what else sucks? When the seam on the end of your sock bunches up in the dryer and when you go to wear it you can feel the bunchiness on one toe and it makes you want to cut the whole damn end of the sock off...*sigh*. Sometimes everything sucks. :P

10:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha ha...that makes me laugh because BOTH of my kids HATED sock seams when they were younger and turned socks inside out to wear them. That reminded me of all the "they bug me" whines we endured.

4:15 PM  
Blogger mellowlee said...

OH man! I can relate to most of that list! Thank God that day is over eh?

9:10 AM  

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