I was so relieved to read that Hazina the hippo finally moved into her new digs at the Vancouver Zoo. It's long overdue - when she first arrived she was placed in a "holding" pen that was supposed to be temporary while her new enclosure was built. Over a year and a half later and she was still in her little concrete and wood world. Hippos need adequate pools to relieve the strain of their weight from their legs and Hazina didn't have the luxury of that in her little dump - she basically had a puddle. She also could use a friend as she is a lonely hippo at the moment, which isn't good for her either. And, considering the fact that she is a big star (from Telus ads), she should be treated as such. She made money for that zoo - they need to ensure she lives happily ever after and is "pampered".
The SPCA have laid charges against the Zoo and I'm bloody glad they did. I've been there several times (years ago - I won't ever go back) and never liked what I saw. I recall once my friend and I noticed that a zebra had fresh, open wounds on his back and was bleeding. We reported it to staff, who basically discounted it and said they were already there when the zebra came to them. Ya, right.
I hate zoos, rodeos, aquariums, circuses that use animals, running with the bulls and bullfighting (I cheer for the bulls and love it when the people are taken out....sorry, I can't help it). I just think all creatures should have a right to live where they're supposed to - not be used for public display and amusement.
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