Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Making Slurpees Isn't That Hard

O.K., I have to go on a bit of a raymierant here. I'm afraid it's the only way to do this. I'll do it without capitalization or much punctuation, just for effect. Here goes:

dear abdullah the 7/11 worker. please have at least 3 slurpee flavours ready that i like when the weather in my condo is 900 degrees and i venture out to get one. i don't like grey watermelon or runny coke with one ice hunk spinning around in it or any kind of 'roided mountain dew blue bursts thank you very much for not trying. you didnt have coke OR pepsi which clearly indicates your lack of enthusiasm as the slurpee clerk. don't fake it out like youre "oh so busy" at 10:06 p.m. and that the mad rush at 9:30 was the reason the floor is sticky and the slurpees are in flashing light not ready yet mode. please quit stuffing those two for one donuts down when noones looking and get to work slackass. the floors need cleaning and there are half eaten old big bites on the counter which is not appetizing at all even if im starving ethiopian style which I am not. REMEMBER GLOBAL WARMING? and two for one means ones free hello not one for regular price and another one minus a buck something. FREE MEANS ZERO so you should learn that already.

I know, not nearly as entertaining as the queen of rants, but I'm tired and just felt like a slurpee and wasn't even going to blog tonight. This is my best effort.


Blogger mellowlee said...

Well you made me laugh *G*

12:25 PM  
Blogger mellowlee said...

haha, the word verification said "PAWCHY" wtf-ever lmao

12:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

love it. that now means "bullshit", o.k., like "this word verification headgame is PAWCHY". LMAO.

9:08 PM  
Blogger Allison said...

LOL...its so true that most places only have 3 crappy kinds! You've made me want a slurpee now :) Hopefully I can find a good flavour.

12:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Allison. I hate anything beyond the "basics" and lately our 7/11 has stuff like "hand picked baby green banana with a hint of jalapeno". Or so it seems, to me.

And it's like EVERYTIME I go there. The staff's forever sweeping the same 6 square inches by the slurpee'd think they'd notice BOTH cokes are lagging.

Not a big deal, but when it's 100 degrees outside and the sweat's rolling off me, a slurpee is in order.

Okay you #*&$^@($& word mentalfication, here I come.

12:59 PM  

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