19 Years Ago Today

An example of a "Tyism" (you all know of "Debism's" by now)....We jammed in a last minute dental appointment for him on Friday, as we were unsure of whether or not his coverage on my ex's plan carried him past 19 (we later learned that it does). As they were completing his cleaning/examination, apparently they informed him that he'd be needing his wisdom teeth out and, knowing that this could be his last "covered" appointment, went out of their way to accomodate us (I've been at this dental office since I was a kid). Ty told me that, while he was in the chair and they were finishing up, they offered to do it that day at 3:00 - "we have an opening then, would you like us to squeeze you in there?". To which he answered, "not really". While he told me of this on the drive home I realized that, being a man of few words, he probably hadn't shown much appreciation for their attempts to help us out. That a thank you probably would have been in order as they don't often book a major appointment like that within the same day - normally we'd wait for at least a month. I suggested to Ty that he should've really thanked them though for being so considerate and suggested he might've been a bit more polite when they were doing their best to help us. To which he replied, "I WAS polite Mom. I really wanted to tell them to go F#$*@ themselves. No WAY are you yanking my teeth out today!". Oh Lord. This is my son, in all his honesty...typical Ty. Love him to pieces, even if he is a little rough around the edges.
Happy birthday son! Love you.
Awww he is adorable! Happy birthday, Ty!
I love the dental story - at least he was honest.
In the end, it seems it was worth all the complications (well almost dying is definitely not cool) to get such a fine son. Well done Deb.
OK, I know of 10 people (myself included) that went to the dentist on Friday?! How weird it that.
Happy Birthday, Ty!
Dental day???!! How scary is that?
I was hesitant in posting this, but his no beatin'
around the bush demeanor sometimes has me shake my head....and he can't figure out why. He thinks every one should just say exactly what they're thinking (profanities included) and we wouldn't have any problems. I'm not so sure about that.
I've avoiding the dentist...not a good game plan but, for now, that's what's working for me. I'm about 6 months overdue.
Thanks Barb ;)
I actually posted that before I was done. I'm in a bit of a tither today...like every other day. Car wouldn't start, changing all of our plans.
What a great pic of Ty! HAPPY BERFDAY DUDE!!!! I'm laughing my ass off about the "but I wanted to tell them to...." Bwaaahaaahaaa xD
Dear Ty: HAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPY (belated) BITHDAY!! Hope you had a good one!!
(and congrats to you Deb, for surviving 19 years of motherhood!)
Also, my Dad was at the dentist on Friay too.
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