Thanks Alana...you have no idea what this means to me. Maybe it's because I'm on such shaky ground right now with all that's going on here...but this really moved me (to tears). I thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for showing me this kindness and being what I consider a damn good friend.
Right back at ya'.
What a sweetheart! And it couldn't have been sent to a nicer person.
Thanks Barbara...where'd she go? I want to tell her in person, no.....wait a minute. I want to tell her again. That's probably more like it.
I felt bad because I didn't even fire up the computer until late last night.....I'm usually on here a few times during the day and I hope she didn't go to bed without seeing how wonderful she made me feel.
'Cause I certainly appreciated every single ounce of the effort she put in (all of you, for that matter). I'm not used to have any birthday "hoopla"....this was nice.
Alana??......you rock. Now get off the forces mail and come hear how great you are.
(lol....that just reminded me of the part in Anchorman - yes, I did see A movie once - where Will says something like, "hey everyone, come see how good I look". I loved that part.)
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