So here it is, my contribution to tonight's dinner. Man, do I have it easy. To all of you slaving over a hot stove....sorry - it's not my fault. Dad's a cook - it's what he loves. We have to argue if we "want" to cook so I've just given up and resorted to the fact that I don't have to do the family feasts. Why would I even argue in the first place - what am I, crazy?
My mother is from a Ukrainian heritage. Her mom always made cabbage rolls and perogies (holubsti & pyrohy) and so we have to carry that on her for. And today was my first attempt - and, if I do say so myself, they turned out rather good.
Cabbage rolls are a pile of work! Boiling up that big old head of cabbage and seperating the leaves without tearing them. It's a whole day's work. At least for me, which is why I haven't made them in about 10 years.
Ben....they're leaves of cabbage stuffed with things like rice, beef, pork, onion, seasonings. I added mushrooms and garlic (which was breaking the rules). And we do ours with bacon. Then it's topped with a tomato sauce/mixture and baked or cooked on the stove.
You've got that right Barbara...I guess I considered it "easy" because that's ALL I had to do, in comparison to what Dad usually does. I'm considering myself lucky. But you're right...getting those leaves apart without ripping them to shreds is an exercise in patience. This wasn't bad for a first attempt. I wouldn't want to do it everyday, that's for sure!
OMG I LOVE cabbage rolls!! MMMMMM!
hope your dinner was a success.
cabbage rolls looked good!
there continues to be food on everybody's blog ... this is too much for me to handle.
I'm sorry Debz, but EWWWWWWW cabbage rolls. I've never been able to find the sense in those things, but from the sounds of it, yours turned out GREAT! I'm glad you had such a good dinner. :)
Mel, Ben & Allison...yum, they were good. Except the leaves were small so I had to use as much of each one as possibe, meaning some were abit thick/tough. And they charged me $7.19 for one little cabbage because they rang in the wrong code. They weren't THAT good.
Will - I know...good luck to those (me) who are trying to lose weight this time of year. Thanksgiving, followed by Hallowe'en, then there's Christmas. 10 lbs., guaranteed.
Alana...lol. You've got the exact same opinion as my kids. They don't even like the look of them...I won't repeat what Ty says about them. But they're actually delicious, despite the weird sound of the ingredients. Think of the filling as something you'd stuff peppers with...kind of the same idea.
What does Ty say about them? That they look like inside-out colons? Because they do. :P
Not quite, but that's a pretty good description!! I don't know if I can ever look at them the same now....you and Ty have killed it for me. But that's not a bad thing...maybe I'll lose weight if I have you two describe the evening's meal for me. I made a salsa dip tonight and Linds said it looked like mold. Colons and mold....I'm on a roll.
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