One Down, Eighty One To Go
Canucks 3 / Red Wings 1
The only thing stripping me of every ounce of happiness is the game that followed....the one where the Leafs were leading 6-0. Bastards.
Here is a display of our Canuckism. We're sick. It's a disease:
Yep, we'll keep the new guy!
Nobody move, Ty's watching the game!!
Linds, watching us win!
The front room window. I did this during the playoffs some time ago with window markers and the kids have forbidden the removal of it. Tacky. But, I guess we're what you'd consider true blue fans.
The machine (front, duh)
The machine (back, " )
The only thing stripping me of every ounce of happiness is the game that followed....the one where the Leafs were leading 6-0. Bastards.
Here is a display of our Canuckism. We're sick. It's a disease:

That is so damn hilarious! For Sean's bday one year I took an old dresser, and painted each drawer like a Canucks flag, and put Canuck decals on it. Our room is covered in Canucks stuff (all four walls) and Canuck blankets on our bed, and a Canucks puck shaped pillow for Sean. You should've heard him screaming tonight *G* Afterwards we went to the store, and as he was wearing his home jersey, people kept asking him if we won or not. Haha. I LOVE your window.
PS if you email me, I will send you that file of Pearl Jam k.
Hey, both of our teams won tonight! Woooo!!
Your window/car is insane! It looks awesome though, I would do the same thing if I had my own windows/car, all decked out in Oilers paraphernelia. I'm glad you guys had such a good time watching the game together tonight. :)
Damn, I posted this comment in the wrong spot. What a dufus I am.
Mel - glad to know I'm not the only crazy whose home decor is Canucks. We've got the pillows/blankets, only Ty doesn't know that one big "pillow" I bought him last year is actually a dog's bed (ssshh, don't tell). I keep thinking I should take down the front window stuff 'cause it kind of looks like a crack house with it...but, I guess until the kids move out it's gonna' stay. The logo actually was done in the teams colors but the sun's faded it. I will email you for that....thanks so much.
Go Edmonton....glad they beat Calgary. I'm still mad at Calgary (sorry Barbara) for what their football guys said about my Geroy. Hhhhmf. (oh and I'm so brother - who's been clean and sober for nearly 6 months now, just bought me an official Geroy jersey for my birthday! I was floored - he hasn't remembered my birthday in years. I'm liking this sobriety thing!)
(Mel - sorry, I've been remiss in checking/updating comments. I did eventually respond to the PJ thing...sorry, "busy" lately. No excuse for being rude or ignoring friends. Thanks again for the offer...I would like a copy because my tape just can't get the job done anywhere other than in my car. So, thanks agian)
*again (I hate typo's). See - I really am just "rushing" around when I'm here...I truly don't really have time to blog right now, but don't want to give it up. I couldn't survive without my friend fixes here. But there's so much on the go....I haven't wanted to burden my blog with it, but Mom's taken a turn for the worse and I'm heading there soon. So, forgive me (all of you) if I'm late to respond or don't make sense at times. I'm trying, really I am. Just feel that I need this place for "me" time and that your smiling faces help get me through the day. So...thanks and patience (please).
GO CANUCCKS GOOOO!!!!!! yippee on game one Im pumped for the season!
nMe too Lindz....cheers to that win! (with many more to come). Tonight we have Canucks THEN Lions. I'm in my sports glory. Work 'till 6, so I'll have to suffer through a radio broadcast of the game. We'll talk about tonight's wins tomorrow, k?
(lol....the n was part of WV - it's messing with me again)
now thats the right sttitude!!! yes we sure will!
No worries Deb :) As for the Sweet Relief tape, I have it on audio tape, but have no tape player. I couldn't find the CD, so I downloaded all the songs I could find of the Net. One day I would like to find the CD though, cause it's so good. So anyways, email me at my gmail account anytime, and I will pass that song along to you, as well as the rest of the ones I have from that tape as well if you want. I was laughing about the dog bed heehee! Somehow, I don't think he would really mind, being such a great Canucks fan ;)
I hope your mom is ok. Take care of yourself Deb!!
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