JC's Coming!!

After boring you with that extremely long rant that I went on, here's something to make up for it - A SHORT POST! Don't know if I can do it, but I'll try:
JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR IS COMING IN FEBRUARY AND TED NEELY'S IN IT. If the Sushi bar hasn't slayed it for me by then (it seems they've "misplaced" that one) I'm going to see if I can get tickets and go sing my little sushi heart out.
That's all folks!!
(can you believe it?....I'm done!)
You don't happen to have any inside information on how the sushi bar "misplaced" JCS, do you?
Is this the stage version then?
Wel, I can honestly say that I don't have info re the misplaced tape...I SHOULD, but don't. Reminds me of the time my daughter's teacher insisted on making her tea in the classroom. It was really unsafe, she hung the extension cord over a sink and it was strung across some chairs that were in close proximity to where the kids worked. We complained to her, then to admin, and suggested she make her tea in the staffroom...which fell on deaf ears. So my friend, who knew I was pissed at the entire thing, went into the classroom, took her kettle/cord set up and chucked it in the garbage...."problem solved".
It is the stage version...I'm quite excited. I just hope tickets are within my budget ($6 each?!). We'll see.
Hey, I like your rants!
I sure hope you're able to get to the play. This post makes me want to dig out my old lp's! I have the original Broadway recording and I love that album. Ok now you've got me singing fragments of long forgotten strains!
tocatta...I know, once you think of that stuff, it tends to "stick". Hosanna's the one that always gets me.
Oh no, I just read your post and I'm about to go to bed! Now I'm going to be singing Hosanna, hasanna, ... all night long! Oh, oh it's already started playing!
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