Snow Day
We had a whole bunch of snow dumped on us here's STILL snowing at this very moment. While it "grounds" me somewhat (I refuse to be like the other crazies I see sliding, sideways, down the street), I love to look at it. Linds and I took a walk last night and went to our favorite family restaurant for dinner, then over to 7-11 for a hot chocolate for the walk home. She found it very entertaining when the 48 rolls of toilet paper I'd bought at Safeway were splitting out of the packages and, apparently, it was quite amusing to watch me try and navigate my way home with it (pics to follow - on her camera). We had a good laugh, needless to say.

What great photos! I lovely the big snowflakes in that one and also the one of Linds in the toilet paper shelf. You guys sound like you have way too much fun together - reminds me of Eva and I actually.
And that hat is SOO cute on Linds!
Thanks Barbara. We DO have a whole lot of fun in this house...all of us. We're quite goofy and laughter is like water around here.
"Nannie" made the hat, which makes it even better.
that toilet paper shelf one is awesome.
Oh man, those pictues are fantastic. I have to get more creative! I love how you can see the ice on the windows. How ever did you get the snowflakes to show up like that? I don't know if that's Linds I'm seeing in the pictures but I really like how each picture is something kind of unique and different and I know when you look back it will completely bring that time you had together back in focus. Wow, I'm really impressed.
I love the picture with all the toilet paper, hilarious!
Snow on the West coast is causing a freak out still? Come on, get over it already ;-P
Joking, I know you guys are used to so much rain this must be a welcome treat. Enjoy the hot chocolate!
Candid is the best. I liked them very much.
And I like even more that I don't have snow (for now).
Nice going Deb.
Awww, I love the pictures! And hey, we're getting snow at the same time, that's gotta be rare, what with all that rain and all!
Sounds like Linds is feling a little better than she was?? She looks so happy when she's with you, Debz. :)
Love the snow pictures too, you captured it really well!
Awww, I love the toilet paper one the best too!
Ooops, I'm a bit behind.
668 - I liked the tp one wasn't "staged" - I just looked for Linds and that's where she parked herself.
I know NOTHING about photography or my camera, for that matter. Which is why I bought the cheapest, simplest one available. It has bells and whistles that I don't even bother with...just point and shoot for me. The snowflakes did turn out kinda cool though...just a fluke, no skills involved toccata.
That's hilarious have every right to the "get over it" comment - we act like we've never seen it before.
Thanks busterp. "No snow" is good. I tire of it pretty quickly, as I just don't drive in it.
Alana - thank you. Linds is feeling much better. I've read the school the riot act and they're shaking in their boots and finally complying with a plan that actually works, not one that they're trying to dictate to us. I'm hopeful (fingers crossed). Her depression's really tied in to school and her counselling is really helping her to cope.
Ben & Mel...that'll teach me to be "thrifty". I could've just bought a small pack of tp, but it was 2 for 1 on the big packs. But the packaging was crap and both packs fell apart on the way home. Punkd?
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