Wednesday, November 22, 2006

A Perfect World

I commented somewhere about this already tonight, but I still feel inclined to write about it as well. It just doesn't happen this way very often.

Today at work after I'd sold someone their tickets and they'd left, I was surprised a short time later when they returned to the counter. The man (a regular customer) looked puzzled and was thumbing through his wallet. "Is there a problem?" I asked, to which he replied, "yeah, I don't think you charged me enough". I thought about it for a moment and really wasn't sure if I had or not. I looked at his two tickets and then remembered that he'd placed two tens on the counter and I'd given him his change - $8.00. I told him that he'd paid me in full, but he still looked perplexed and unconvinced. After going through it with him, he finally accepted that he had, in fact, given me enough - that the twenty in his wallet was HIS. We then joked about "getting older" and forgetfulness for a few minutes before he left for good.

A short time later another person did the exact same thing - came back questioning whether they owed more money than they'd given. Now how refreshing is that, in a world full of greed and "fast ones", to see people actually concerned about "being fair"? People arguing that they haven't paid their fair share? I sure hope one of them wins big on their ticket. Karma.


Blogger Allison said...

That is really good karma, and quite refreshing to hear!

I was do that too, especially since I was a cashier once and I know that typically if the float is off it comes out of your pocket at the end.

5:32 AM  
Blogger Deb said...

That's why I appreciated it SSSOOO the end of the day it's my responsibility and it's nice to see some people don't take advantage of a situation like that. It was my "feel good" moment of the day. (And the first guy was appreciative of the fact that I didn't exploit the situation and take more money from him. I guess there are some who would've)

10:31 AM  
Blogger Barbara Bruederlin said...

That is so wonderful to hear about. Most people would either not take the time to come back or would look at it as a windfall for them.
How lovely.

1:53 PM  
Blogger Deb said...

It was great Barbara. In this crazy time of greed, self-importance and "me'ism", it was very refreshing to come across someone so honest and considerate. Very promising!

3:38 PM  

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