Today (like every other first Tuesday of the month) is Customer Appreciation/10% off day at my local supermarket. Which means I’ll go spend $8,736.84 on things I don’t need to get 10% off my bill. You must buy at least $35 worth of groceries to qualify and, for whatever reason, I can’t do that (probably the same defective gene that won’t allow for music lists of 10). I have to buy everything in sight because I get 10% off. Especially the meat that they’ve marked up 12% for this particular day...do I really need an entire cow? Or eighteen packages of cu-tips and enough beverages to keep the entire population of Vancouver hydrated? I think not. These types of promotions are directed at suckers like me who think that by spending more, I’m saving more. It’s the reason I gave up my Costco membership...I’d go “grocery” shopping to the whopping tune of $481.00 and have all but a case of tomato soup in the cupboard to show for it. Some lovely placemats, 900 rolls of toilet paper and a new desk, but no food. So, as I turf stuff out of my fridge a week from now that I didn’t really need/use, I’ll be wondering who the real winner is. Somehow I don’t think it’s me.
*nods* I know the supermarket you are referring to....I shop there too lol
Wouldn't it be lovely to be able to grocery shop from home and have it delivered?
I know friends of mine used to shop online, but I think that might even be worse Mel. I just go barrelling along and there is not much of a thought process at all, other than, "oh, we need these". I'm getting a little better, but it's a slow process.
hahaha we had a Costco membership for a year and gave it up for the same reason. Well, first you couldn't find a parking space to save your life, and then I'd spend $300 and still have to go grocery shopping on the way home. I did once by a 5 lb bag of broccoli there once. Big mistake!
I tend to grocery shop every two days or so because I can't plan that far in advance and if something ends up in the freezer, I only end up turfing it out 3 years later.
When I go grocery shopping I never come home with enough food, or I always forget something. Thus, I end up shopping way too many times during the week.
I laughed at the "3 years later" Barbara....I can relate. Chances are, if you have to go "what was this?", it's garbage and you probably shouldn't buy it anymore. I do the every couple of days thing now too...this was my first "biggie" in awhile. Mistake...most of it will inevitably end up getting chucked out. Savings?
Allison - it happened to me after the big 10% deal last night - I forgot lettuce for the wraps. They're not too exciting without some kind of greenery in there, so we changed plans because I refused to go back to the human zoo/Safeway.
I cannot shop for the day ahead let alone a week. I do not know how people do it. If I shop ahead then I inevitably do not want "that" for dinner and end up chucking the whatever in the freezer and making something else.
Wow, I'm kind of the opposite of everyone. I prefer writing out a giant list, planning out my meals, making sure I have everything for a few good dinners through the week, and not have to go to the grocery store more than once. I hate the grocery store. And I love writing lists. :P
Can I hire you and you move here with us? Please.
if i had a riders jersey, i'd make a bet with you that, if riders won you would have to post a pic of you stomping on lins jersey and vice versa...fortunately i don't have one....
Hi Deb. I have figured out the link thing and so I'm asking different people that I visit all the time if I might add their link. So, may I?
ok deb i hate it but i'll admit...the lions were a wayyyyyyy better team...damn
LOL, done! I'll start packing! :P
Kelly...we've been on a roll. These guys are hot right now - I just hope they have one more game in them. (FTR - somehow I don't think anything would get me to stomp on my Geroy jersey.)
Alana. Wahoo. It's a done deal then.
(oh, and I've corrected my typos.)
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