(*NOTE: There is some strong language in this post, so be warned. If you find it offensive you may as well not bother. Sorry, it’s necessary!)
The sushi bar that I work next to is a lively little place...which is a blessing because the mall that I work in is totally mismanaged and DEADSVILLE. It’s like a ghost town until the sushi bar opens an hour or so after I do. Then Eric and Betty plug in the Christmas lights, turn on the TV and crank the tunes. Which is a welcome change from the absolute hear a pin drop quiet that I experience before they open - I can actually hear the clock ticking. And it’s electric.
So what’s the problem you ask? Let me tell you. The sushi bar has a CD player and FOUR frickin’ CD’s!!! Often they don’t even change them, they just leave one on repeat ALL DAY LONG!!
Today it was the BeeGees.
And, as much as I love the BeeGees, I can only hear Stayin’ Alive so many times before I’m praying for someone to kill me because I don’t want to stay alive anymore. Don’t get me wrong - I grew up on the Gibb Bros. - my best friend and I used to play them non stop. But if I have to hear them one more time I’m going to pull each and every one of my hairs out. Followed by my eyelashes. “How Can You Mend A Broken Heart?”.....let me tell you how. Quit fucking singing. Go cry, let it out, punch a wall even. Just quit singing about it - it’s not helping. And don’t “Run To Me”, RUN FAR AWAY, as far as possible. Now. Git.
Tomorrow will probably be the soundtrack from Jesus Christ Superstar. Again. They’re completely ruining it for me - I loved that movie as a teen. I saw it about eight times with my best friend (the same one) and we knew every single word by heart (still do). I was thrilled the first time I heard it come out of the little sushi speakers...I hadn’t heard it in ages. That was then, this is now. I know you don’t know how to love him, but figure it out for fuck’s sake. ‘Cause it’s annoying for the 812th time today. “Hosanna, Hey sanna, sanna, sanna, ho, sanna, hey sanna ho, sanna....hey JC, JC will you TURN THAT FUCKING CD PLAYER OFF FOR ME? K? Thanks, Superstar”.
The other two are compilations...Enrique, you are NOT my hero. You never were, never will be. Go tell Anna or someone who cares. I don’t. Now quit your whining...I’m trying to work.
The sushi bar that I work next to is a lively little place...which is a blessing because the mall that I work in is totally mismanaged and DEADSVILLE. It’s like a ghost town until the sushi bar opens an hour or so after I do. Then Eric and Betty plug in the Christmas lights, turn on the TV and crank the tunes. Which is a welcome change from the absolute hear a pin drop quiet that I experience before they open - I can actually hear the clock ticking. And it’s electric.
So what’s the problem you ask? Let me tell you. The sushi bar has a CD player and FOUR frickin’ CD’s!!! Often they don’t even change them, they just leave one on repeat ALL DAY LONG!!
Today it was the BeeGees.

Tomorrow will probably be the soundtrack from Jesus Christ Superstar. Again. They’re completely ruining it for me - I loved that movie as a teen. I saw it about eight times with my best friend (the same one) and we knew every single word by heart (still do). I was thrilled the first time I heard it come out of the little sushi speakers...I hadn’t heard it in ages. That was then, this is now. I know you don’t know how to love him, but figure it out for fuck’s sake. ‘Cause it’s annoying for the 812th time today. “Hosanna, Hey sanna, sanna, sanna, ho, sanna, hey sanna ho, sanna....hey JC, JC will you TURN THAT FUCKING CD PLAYER OFF FOR ME? K? Thanks, Superstar”.
The other two are compilations...Enrique, you are NOT my hero. You never were, never will be. Go tell Anna or someone who cares. I don’t. Now quit your whining...I’m trying to work.
I feel your pain and frustration, but that was a hilarious post! Oh man, I couldn't imagine living through that day in and day out.
I wonder if maybe you burned them a few cds that you like and asked them to consider playing those instead?
That's what I was thinking Barb. My fear with that is that they'll take the songs I like and do the same with them on repeat until I no longer can bear them. I think I need to take my own music, to drown it out.
I had the same thought after I posted the comment. You sure don't want that to happen. Headphones it is!
LOL!!! Great post Deb.
I just wrote on songs I wouldn't want at my funeral, should have added the BeeGees to that mix.
Headphones can fix most situations I find. Except I think I'm going a little deaf from mine. Here's hoping today they put on a new track.
Good thinking Allison...songs I wouldn't want at my funeral - I can just see the KTel infommercial for that one now...."Do you have songs from your past that you never want played at your funeral? Would some songs make you turn over in your grave? Then do we have a 6 CD set for you......"
I had to laugh when I got to work today...I'd forgotten one more that they have at Sushi world - The Carpenters. They reminded me ALL DAY LONG that they long to be close to me. A little too close to me in fact, like within earshot.
Too much.
I like a little SNF myself, but that is a bit over the top.
I feel so bad for you! I would do what Barb suggests for sure! It's a rather nice and diplomatic way of saying "HEY you are driving bugshit, please play something else". You're so funny Deb :)
Thanks Will & Mel.....the thing is this - these songs are ones that I can tolerate and some are even ones I'd sing along to...ONCE. Honestly, I go to bed at night and hear Stayin' Alive and it's not good bed time music.
The owners, Eric and Betty are so sweet and they really try hard to make a pleasant atmosphere in an extremely lacklustre setting - if it wasn't for their little corner of the mall things would be like a morgue. Yesterday they actually had some NEW music (maybe they read this??!!)!! Oh well, it's something new.
Oh my God. Memories! I feel and know your pain. I think I had almost forgotten but years ago I worked in a mall and Radio Shack was across the way. At Christmas time they were selling these stupid electric cars that played this ghastly techno music interspersed with the sound of sirens. They would run nonstop and I had many a dream of sneaking in and smashing them all to smithereens!
Oh, toccata that sounds even worse...ghastly techno music. It's like rubbing your brain on a cheese grater all day.
I had a day off today. Nothing but my own tunes, ALL DAY LONG. Tomorrow it's back to not knowing what it's like to love somebody, to love somebody.....Pray for me, k?
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