Some Days Are Just Meant To Be Fun
When I got home from work today I was relaxing in my comfy chair "people watching" out the front bay window. I noticed a couple of maintenance type trucks with ladders and equipment around them in the apartment complex across the street. And then, much to my entertainment, this is what I saw:

Yes, Men In Kilts!!! That's what they're called, that's how they work. Up the ladders, hauling the equipment, basically doing everything your average joe does....only in skirts, uh, o.k. - kilts. I accidentally erased the best pic - the one of the guy up the ladder. May be best that I did!!
When I grabbed my camera and ran out to snap a couple of pics they noticed me. I realized I probably looked like a semi-crazed stalker so I ran across the street (giggling) and introduced myself and confirmed that I was just amused, not psychotic (o.k., maybe a little). I asked if I could snap a few more "closer up" and they were more than accomodating. They posed and one even offered to don his official work "tee"...the one that said "no peeking". What good sports they were. I know who I'm calling when I need a job done!!! MEN IN KILTS. Great concept.

Yes, Men In Kilts!!! That's what they're called, that's how they work. Up the ladders, hauling the equipment, basically doing everything your average joe does....only in skirts, uh, o.k. - kilts. I accidentally erased the best pic - the one of the guy up the ladder. May be best that I did!!
When I grabbed my camera and ran out to snap a couple of pics they noticed me. I realized I probably looked like a semi-crazed stalker so I ran across the street (giggling) and introduced myself and confirmed that I was just amused, not psychotic (o.k., maybe a little). I asked if I could snap a few more "closer up" and they were more than accomodating. They posed and one even offered to don his official work "tee"...the one that said "no peeking". What good sports they were. I know who I'm calling when I need a job done!!! MEN IN KILTS. Great concept.
Hhhhmmm, this is not the order I had these pics in. Something weird happened here but I'm leaving it as is because blogger's giving me a headache.
That made me giggle. xD
They were so hilarious Amy. To see them standing there, brainstorming in their dresses (ooops....KILTS - why can't I get that straight?!!). It made me giggle too...not something you see everyday, that's for sure.
AAAHHHHHH!!!!!!! I love this! I think you had mentioned before about the Men in Kilts, hadn't you, in respect to that kilted guy at the wedding I went to recently? Was that you?
Anyway, how wonderful! I ADORE men in kilts. Doesn't matter what they look like, they are all wonderful.
Don't ya' just love it Barbara??!!! Come to think of it I had mentioned them before when I'd seen them wander through the building at work and chit chatted with them then. To see them "in action" was even better...I wasn't expecting it and was just casually watching what I thought was simply a guy behind a truck as he set up a ladder to get to work. Then I saw him climb up in the kilt and realized it was them, doing what they do best (which is wash windows in kilts). I needed a "light" moment like this....made my day!
That is hilarious!!
Although I have aversion to kilts (my mom's scottish, and i've just seen too many in my day), even I have to agree, you gotta respect that.
Oh, Allison I can understand that. I guess once you've seen all your uncles, cousins and other relatives in them the novelty sort of wears off.
I think it's a very creative marketing scheme....I mean, it's pretty hard to forget this team once you've seen them in action. They just totally had the right attitudes too....they were really having fun with it.
I think I have a pretty boring/sad life...this provided way too much entertainment for me!
That is so awesome Deb! LOL I love it when life throws in a nice little surprise like that :)
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