Thanks, From Your Neighbours
To that fellow during the boil water advisory warning here who felt it necessary to keep us all waitiing in line while he filled an entire shopping cart full of water cooler jugs (you know, those ones that hold about 1200L) - you're officially not invited to the neighbourhood Christmas social. It's nice to know that, in a time of crisis, you obviously will not have our backs. It's "look out for number one" and fuck the rest. Did you feel no twinges of remorse as you kept the 11 of us lined up behind you waiting (each with a single 4L jug in hand), and you attempted to drain all the water from the machine? We're all in this together bud and, if that's your attitude, don't come knocking on my door when the flood hits and I zoom off in my boat. You're swimmin' pal.

AMEN sister!!!! Some people make me sick!
That was a fantastic little rant you had there and the guy had it coming to him. Well done!
How's your father doing? I hope he didn't suffer any ill effects from drinking the water before finding out about the boil advisory.
Yeah Mel, like THEY'RE the only ones needing water for survival. I hope he threw his back out getting it loaded into the car.
toccata - thanks for asking...Dad didn't seem to suffer after drinking tap water before he was aware of the advisory (thank God). Funny how you just take water for granted until it's in short supply. Then you get thirsty real quick.
I get thirsty just thinking about the situation you are in. Boo to that greedy bastard.
I wish you clean pure water again very soon.
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