My New Superhero is the BCAA Battery Man

Gord (aka God), you are the bomb. Today I finally decided it was time to dig the car out from under the snow and give it one more shot at starting...and it was still as dead as a doornail. I called BCAA (which I do bi-weekly) and they sent Gord out to save the day.
I was doubtful that it was "just" a dead battery. That would be too easy. Knowing my car's history, you'd understand this...I honestly think that, with all the new parts in it, it should fly to the moon by now. It's pretty equipped for a car that doesn't run. Now, as much as I really did want to abandon it on the side of the road at Dad's last week (actually I did...he had it towed to the shop when he tired of looking at it there), somehow it ended up back with me. Like a teenager that won't leave home, that's what the Volvo is. My last repair was another $350 - a new ignition switch and a relay, whatever the hell that is. I suppose it sends signals to something that's supposed to do something else. It did. For four days. Then, being the divamobile that it is, decided it didn't want to do that anymore.
Gord arrived late, but he arrived, nonetheless. And we laughed because I'd been out on the street, jumping up and down and flapping my arms around at another tow truck that had passsed and stopped down the road. I was sure he'd missed my place and I was desperately trying to get his attention. It turns out it wasn't him at was another tow truck tending to someone else (and probably thinking, "look at that crazy lady out on the street. SHE'S hitting the Christmas sauce a little early"). When Gord did arrive, I was thankful - I didn't feel so all "alone" anymore. He got right under the hood and started doing this and tightening that and, for a moment, I wondered if he knew what the hell he was doing at all. But it turns out he did, because he got the old goat running again. And, after a lot of scoping and checking, accompanied by sounds like "hhhmm" and "ooohahm", he reported that the beast seems to be running very well!!! Is this really the right car...MY car??!! I don't think it's ever run "good".
As it turned out, Gord and I discovered that we knew some of the same people and we joked and laughed while discussing belts and bolts. Then he kind of hit on me, which made me very uncomfortable so I paid him and said "keep the change" so I could end our transaction and get him the hell out of here. I don't know if you should tip the BCAA guy, but I felt it was money well spent. $180 and my car is once again gonna' burn up the street. If doing 52 in a 50 zone qualifies as that.
You'd be surprised what those extra 2km can do ;)
Glad you have you car back, no more walking home with the groceries. Hey, wanna pick me up and drive me now? ;P
Done deal Allison....just say the word (although there are no guarantees with my car that we'll actually get to where we're going!).
The "break down" anxiety will probably never go away with this car.
Deb, I feel your pain.
I drove about a 1/2 mile towards work then turned around and drove home on a flat tire.
It sounded funny but what do I know? I thought it was snow stuck in the wheel well. Hope I didn't screw up something else. Took Clint's Jeep instead.
Divamobile. Ha.
Well Ben, I'm never convinced that my car problems have been resolved...I've let my guard down before, only to stall in a tunnel and have Diana flashbacks (honestly). So, can you come over please?
And if you hit on me, I'd probably hit you back (JJ). Honestly, I've been on my own so long now that it just feels weird to me...this guy started in a joking manner (o.k.), but it grew to kind of inappropriate/uncomfortable (not o.k.).
The car is outside...probably doesn't help matters much.
Hopefully you won't need to call Gord again any time soon, but if you do, you've got that ace in the hole.
busterp...I love it - that was so hilarious. "I thought it was snow..." We're just supposed to drive the darn things, mechanics should keep them in order, right?
At least you have the right attitude about it all. I used to, about 2,395 breakdowns ago!
Barbara - you kill me.
I don't think I'll be calling Gordo anytime soon...I'd rather walk on the ice with 22 bags of rocks (he was kinda creepy)
and p.u. to you too, wv.
Just want you to know Hosanna has been playing a continual loop in my head all day long! Hmm, I wonder why that is? It couldn't be due to a certain somebody's post now could it? l0l
p.s. Here's hoping you have no more car troubles so you can keep the creepy guy at bay!
I can completely relate to the "break down" anxiety. I used to drive on old '86 Horizon. It was the car I learned to drive on and everything. It would stall, not start, etc and it was an automatic, but drove like a standard. I actually had to learn how to drive stick in order to work it when it started to go wonky.
Once, the engine died when I was on the 401, just past Toronto (I was on my way back up to school), thankfully I called CAA and they came, and I didn't cause any accidents, just calmly pulled over. I attribute it all to the first time I ever got behind the wheel, and my dad leaned over and turned off the engine and said, park it when I was in the parking lot. Learn pretty fast how to park without automatic stearing.
Sadly, I miss the old girl. Best heater in any car I've ever seen.
tocatta...that's hilarious. That song just sticks like glue. I find myself singing it out loud sometimes - at which point my kids usually look at me like I'm crazy.
Allison - what a Volvo's an '86 (which probably explains a lot). I laugh because your adventure with an '86 is "old news" and I'm still fighting with mine - maybe that should tell me something. Twenty years old is pretty old for a car. Your Dad was a wise man to do what he did, "preparing" you like that. Great idea.
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