No News Is Good News?

Stories like this one did nothing but create hysteria in, why bother? I mean what would it have mattered if I'd seen this during all the urgency? Sure, I would've "prepared", but I've actually already done that. As much as I can anyways....I mean, really - if there's a huge earthquake of the magnitude they're predicting, what the hell can I do? Nothing much as far as I can see. And, just in case it's not in my lifetime, I don't want to exert too much energy worrying about something I can do nothing about. Not long ago a story like this would've put me over the edge and made me a wreck, a complete basketcase.
I learned of this story/warning "after the fact". And I'm glad for that because, in my panic heyday, I would've been heading for the highest hill with my flashlight, blankie and water bottles (and my kids, of course). Last time we had a quake here I ran out of the house, thought about my dog and ran back in to get her. Carried her down the street...all 60 pounds of her (she'd had a stroke). I wasn't leaving her behind so I did the worst thing possible and went back into our shaking building to get her. Broke all the rules and threw everything I'd learned out the window at that point. I went on instinct and my gut said "don't leave her behind". So I carried her all the way to my kid's school, despite also being told not to go there.
I guess my point is that I'm going to live life and take whatever it dishes as it comes. I'll still "listen" and "prepare", but I refuse to "worry". I won't bury my head in the sand but I'm also not calling 911 every time someone predicts something catastrophic that may or may not happen. I'd actually like to pour a glass of wine, put on my favorite song and think of all the things in life that have made me happy to that point. I mean what else can I do?
One thing we do not get here is earthquakes... which I am incredibly glad of ... you know many ppl are saying these are the "last days" and huge events are about to unfold ...
(what can I say to that??)
I used to have nightmares of being in a central London rail station and fighter bombers coming over & everyone panicking & running down into the underground/subway ... it was a very vivid & horrible dream. I would hate to be in the tube when the H-bomb finally does get dropped. Imagine how horrible it would be to finally crawl to the surface & realize you'd survived THAT??
O man I'm not being too cheery am I. Well Debs I hope the razor blades have fallen outta your throat ... you need lots of limes (good advice from a limey like me). Well they're more for sinus but boy do they work! I'm sure they're good for sore throats ... lemon & honey is another example.
O I feel like I'm rabbitting all over the place. I'm gonna shuttup now. Take care Deb...
We had an earth quake in Cochester just down the road from us. Mind you it was 400 years ago!!! The earthquake known as the Colchester Earthquake occurred on April 22, 1884, and caused considerable damage in Colchester and the surrounding villages in Essex, England. It is also known as the Great English Earthquake In terms of overall destruction caused it is certainly the most destructive earthquake to have hit the United Kingdom in at least the last 400 years.
Take care......hope to visit nest week...earthquakes allowing..LOL
no, don't shut up gled. i like it when you rabbit...keeps things fresh. O.K., limes it is. That's an awful dream...kind of suffocating?
We don't get many Ruth (knocking on wood here). And the few that I've experienced thankfully haven't been too much to speak of, but they keep calling for "the big one". It's unnerving and, if I were to let it, it would eat me up with worry. So I'm choosing to tune it out.
(Oh and I'll be away for the day...check back in later. Have a great day you two)
I used to worry a lot too... then I decided that worrying got me no where fast...especially after my friend's brush with death, I've decided I'm not wasting time on worrying anymore... life's too short and I don't intend to waste it... I refuse to let fear keep me from really living.
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