And It Makes Me Wonder.....

Can you sneeze without closing your eyes? (no)
The fastest falling rainfall?....clocked at 18 mph.
The first item to be scanned by a barcode?........(Wrigley's chewing gum)
Giraffes have the same number of vertebrae in their necks as humans!
Porcupines float in water.
You will not find a clock in a Las Vegas casino.
The original use for a tablecloth was to transport food and was also used as the "napkin" to clean face/hands as people ate. (And, ew, the "leftovers" were then wrapped in the same cloth for further transport).
Lightning is hotter than the surface of the sun.
Lipstick contains fish scales.
You can't fold a dry, square piece of paper in half more than 7 times (I'll be trying this one).
to be cont'd.....
7 Comments: to find a porcupine
but you know, as a firefighter, you'll have to rescue it if it doesn't float, right?
Are the fish scales to make the lipstick shimmery. Thankfully I only use Blistex.
yes Barb and it's in nailpolish too.
Lipstick contains fishscales????! UG!
Give a new meaning to the nickname "Fishlips", doesn't it? ;-)
I know Mel. I don't wear it much...probably will continue with that.
W/N...just remember that next time you kiss your wife!
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