The Giants game was fun, but a bust. Our goaltender was awful (again) and let in a couple of really weak goals. But the penalties killed us...I think they were about 106 to their 1. Apparently the ref was on crack and had stapled his eyes shut. And the linesman's little pat on the ass of one of the Bruin's player was a dead giveaway that we were going to lose because they had man crushes on each other. Yes, I'm a sore loser.
We had excellent seats and I should've taken my camera. Each time a guy got flattened into the boards (which was often), we could see up his nostrils. Flying pucks were a concern though. As were those annoying as hell Chilliwack fans who kicked the backs of our seats and screamed in our ears all night. Hillbillies. ("Fuck the cowbell, Ty, hand me my gun......").
Well I'm off to more hockey...Brandon's been called up to a rep team for their playoffs and the final game's in an hour.
HOCKEY IS MY LIFE. I am a such a loser.
I am so horrible at games where you have to guess drawings, but surprisingly rather good at Charades.
We're getting better Barb...although some of the guesses are hilarious, which makes it a lot of fun.
Now the drawings....they're another story. This game has a bit of everything, including charades. It's craziness is what it is. And in this competitive family, it's serious business.
we still do games, have games eves at each others houses a few times a year. though poker has taken over a bit now especially amongst the girls.
as for team sports, its rugby, rugby, rugby at the mo over here, great stuff.
Games can make for a damn fun evening (especially when they get a little crazy). We actually had a poker game earlier on that was really funny...I cleaned up all the chips in about 9 minutes. I was on a hot streak and made a flush, followed by a full house and a straight. Ty was so pissed - he's super competitive. It was great. He demanded a rematch (which he won).
cranium is awesome. my husband is good at drawing, so I always make sure he's on my team. I should get the family cranium... I'm sure the kids would dig it.
Hoopla's a good one too...another Cranium that we have. They're so much fun.
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