The Many Faces Of Ty

I won't show you the "real" Ty pics...there's one of him fingering the camera, "mooning" it and karate chopping it. He's a ham, a big show off. But he keeps us in stitches around this place and I think I'll keep him (for now). (And I'm glad he doesn't drink because he'd be a complete handful - he's enough of a clown without booze).
Yeah okay, I feel very weird saying this about your son, especially knowing he has a girlfriend, but despite all the weirdness...he's freakin cute too!!
You've created some very beautiful children, Debz. :P They both seem absolutely wonderful!
(What is with that word? I think that's like the 10th time I've used it today! word of the day: fantastic)
Thanks. Can't post one without the other, right? He'd cringe if he knew I'd put pics up of him - he think's (no, rephrase that - KNOWS) how corny I am.
He went through a very rough time for a stint as his peers slowly turned into assholes and party animals. I was actually pretty worried about him for awhile because he became really lonely, depressed and isolated just before his girlfriend came along (on a Canucks site, of course).
I always remember telling him not to worry and that everything would work out as his peers "outgrew" their behavior and showed the same maturity that he was showing. What I've always really emphasized to both of my kids is not to fear standing out/alone - that, while it's hard to do so when you're young, as you get older those things make you stand ABOVE others and you'll be appreciated/recognized for being you. A hard thing when you're a teenager in high school mind you.
Despite all my worries, Ty turned out so fucking brilliant and happy that it makes me wanna' sing (I use that because I sound like a goose with croup being dragged behind a dumptruck doing 80 over gravel - he cringes when I "attempt" to - which is often). Hang in there through all the shit you have to wade through in order to find people who totally "get" and, moreso, "APPRECIATE" you for who you are. It's well worth the wait (I'm still waiting, actually - tend to be very much a "loner").
O.K. word verification, "F U too" (I seem to get a lot lately that start with f-u - gonna' give me a complex soon)
Man, both your kids are gorgeous! The look like they are amazing people as well.
I can totally relate to what you are saying about the stint where his friends turned into party animals and you were worried about him being lonely.
Dev is the same way, but thankfully we can get him back home to the EK a few times a year. Thank goodness also for the Net and his best friend Jacob, who is a terrific kid as well, but just very busy most of the time with work/school/football etc.
The fact that he didn't turn down that same road says one hell of a lot about you as a mother too. Glad to hear that worked out for the best Debz.
I just read what your son did for his sister on Alana's blog and OMG! What an absolute DOLL he is. What a great brother!
Clearly word travels fast when you're a total sweetheart. :P
You should show Tyler this, his face would be SO red, and it would be awesome!!
Thanks guys, appreciate all the kind words. I was always reluctant to post pics/stuff about my kids. I don't know, the protective "worrier" in me just wasn't cool with it at first. But seeing the wonderful pics of other's kids and wanting to be part of that, I decided it was time to "trust" that those I show them to are the right people (which I know you guys are).
Mel - good for Dev that he's active in things...that helps. Unfortunately, at the time Ty was going through this stuff, his Dad and I split and he dropped out of hockey ($$) and baseball. Stuff like that can really help with the self esteem and the bonding that comes with being on a team is huge at that age.
You guys are all great, thanks again, for coming.
what the hell's up with supercallafragalistic........word verification? Holy, some long ones tonight!
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