Second Hand Review

Apparently RHCP put on a phenomenal show (duh...EN-ER-GEEEE!), my son going so far as to rate it as one of the best shows he's ever seen, even surpassing the MG acoustic show (shame, I may have to disown him for such blasphemy). They did all the favorites except one - Under The Bridge, which would have completely disappointed me - I love that song. But the highlight of the night (for my son, anyway) was the 20 minute "jam" which had the crowd mesmerized and screaming for more. Ty reports that it was the loudest he's ever heard GM Place - apparently a lot of love was shown for the California boys, who reciprocated in song. Sounds like I missed a good one. Next time I'm "in - you can bet your ass on that.

Oh maaaaaaaaan, I wish I had $$$$ to go to concerts! Sounds like a blast!!! :D
Me too. The thing is, used to be "out of sight, out of mind" for me and I didn't think too much of them as I'd purposely "forget" concerts that I'd really wanted to attend. But, now that my son and daughter take them in, I get to hear all about the fantasticness of shows that I'd love to see. Oh well, sacrifices must be made (damn hydro bills).
I'm going tomorrow night. I am oddly unexcited about this, maybe because I have never really given Stadium Arcadium a good listen, but Jerry is really psyched - he saw them a couple of years ago and was blown away.
I think one of the problems is, I hate shows at the Dome - I like the small venues.
But I'm really glad to hear it was an awesome show and I sure by tomorrow night I will be stoked.
I love RHCP, but didn't fall in love with Stadium Arcadium. But I have never seen them live so I would have loved to hear their old stuff. For now, I live through others reviews ;)
I haven't even listened to Stadium Arcadium yet.
They did some of the new stuff, but Ty reported it was a real "mix" of old, new and spontaeous (like the "jam")
I hope you have a good time Barbara. I've felt like that about shows before..."oddly unexcited" is a good description. It's often those shows that knock your socks off...I do agree about the large venue thing though. I also like a more intimate setting.
I seem to live mostly through second hand reviews now too, Allison...with two teens, I just can't afford for us "all" to go to shows very often. So Mom sits at home with her cd's and pretends she's there.
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