
I went in to visit Mom yesterday morning and thought we'd break a few rules. I'd noticed a garage sale sign on the way in to hospital and, as that's her very favorite activity, I snuck her out in her wheelchair and hospital gown to scope out a few bargains. She smoked the entire way there. And laughed, saying "this is crazy. You're so funny". I felt great and I'm sure she did too. We both needed some fun and felt like school kids who'd skipped class as we returned to her ward with the bag full of shit we'd bought (but didn't need).
Upon our return, our (very nice looking) Dr. arrived to update us on Mom's condition. It seems her tumors are a bit of a mystery and, because they don't like to stick 7 inch needles near the brain to investigate further, we're sort of "in limbo" right now. The good news is that her ultrasound, mammogram and other tests have come up negative- there are no other tumors/problems. That's a huge relief - I sort of half readied myself for, "sorry, it's EVERYWHERE and there's nothing we can do". This was such good news.
So, as it turns out, he released Mom from the hospital. Not that this is necessarily the best thing for us...but I think the combination of staff screwing up her meds (she caught the error herself), coupled with the fact that they'd forgotten to do the mammogram that the doctor ordered, had him concerned and slightly furious. I think he felt she was better off in our care - even though that places a lot of burden on Dad and I. We'll see how it goes.
Anyhow, last night we got her settled and some family came over to visit. My favorite cousins - Dion and Shannon. Shannon is a nurse in a detox centre and is quite concerned, as well as very helpful - she and I got all Mom's meds sorted out. She's furious over how Mom was handled in hospital and wants to go on a rampage (as she has "connections" and knows many of the doctors there). Mom doesn't want to make a fuss and said she was treated well - she loved all the nurses and got to know each one by name (and birthdate - she's fucking amazing, even after all her brain antics). She's a beautiful person - a people person who makes friends, not enemies. So, we'll let sleeping dogs lie. That's a hard one for me.

You are such a great daughter! I'll bet your mom appreciated that sneaking out more than anything.
I hope that all goes as well as possible with her being at home, and that you can all cope.
I have to agree with Barbara, you are a great daughter.
Thank you gals. I try to be...I learned a lot when my grandma died about making family a priority and appreciating them while they're here (without waiting until it's too late). My ex lost his father very suddenly and that also was an eye opener that prompted me to be there for my parents while I can, leaving no regrets (as I'm sure he had). Live and learn, right?
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