
And that's how it's been for twenty years. Dad's worked outside of the home, as well as doing ALL the domestic chores - everything, like laundry, cooking, shopping, cleaning, gardening, even taking care of Mom's hygiene (although that's mostly my department - women's work). It's not been easy, but Dad's done it all without ever grumbling. He's a true man, through and through.
This is his garden....his pride and joy. It's his favorite place to sit, as he visits with people passing by. Everyone in the neighbourhood knows/loves him. He's the one who gives them freshly caught wild salmon and flower bulbs. I don't know what we'd do without him.....and just a short time ago we were facing that, as he battled cancer.
The new challenge on his plate is an abdominal aneurysm. He's been scheduled on my birthday to go have it dealt with. I just know he'll come through it, smelling like a rose. Because he's a superhero, remember?
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