Children & War

Children shouldn’t know
a fear that stems from man
Children should be free to play
together, hand in hand
Children should be laughing
as they run to chase a ball
Never should we stand to see
their bloodied bodies fall
They shouldn’t know of mines
or hear as bombs explode
they shouldn’t lose their parents
or the safety of their homes
Their eyes should be wide open
with wonder of a place
that’s beautiful and warm
and puts a smile upon their face
Men toting machine guns
have no place in their world
nor does violent confrontation
where grenades and hate are hurled
Children should be loved
Nurtured, hugged and free
Children need protection
it’s up to you and me
We need to let them live
We have to let them grow
and keep the violence from them
for never should they know
The pain of missing loved ones
the fear of the unknown
of blood and cries
where some will die
and they are left alone.
Children need us now
We’ve got to make it stop
: )
Right back at ya', Alex ; )
Beautifully said, wonderful sentiments.
Thank you. I always feel a bit weird sharing what I've written...I mostly write for me and it's a way to vent what I'm feeling. This one I did some time ago. It just helps me get things out that I'd otherwise carry around with me.
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