Monday, January 22, 2007
About Me
- Name: Deb
- Location: Vancouver, Canada
"Then as it was, then again it will be... and though the course may change sometimes, rivers always reach the sea"

Previous Posts
- The hospital trip's postponed. My wipers decided ...
- I'm Not Sharing
- Welcome Back...Was I Gone?
- As someone observed elsewhere, I don't sleep much....
- Twilight Singers w/ Lanegan Live With Me/Where Did...
- Blue
- Water
- Some Days You Don't Need To Leave Home To Be Enter...
- And I Hate Being Left Out So Here It Is.....
- And After All, We're Only Ordinary Men
Oh gosh this show reminds me of the movie. I was really little and when it came near the end and it was obvious what was going to happen I started crying and screaming, "Get me out of here!" My poor father had to miss the ending.
Oh dear. I was traumatized by The Wizard of Oz which is now my favorite movie. "The Birds" day I'll post about that one.
hi deb, can you spread the word, Tracey's blog is lost at the mo. She's mortified, of course.
T said:
"At this point can you send an notification & request to my few fans,
Debs,Junky,butchieboy,johnny maudlin,wendy,paula,kathryn,sheena,the other
johny,I cant remember the rest but my hits were almost 500 and 250 unique
when my blog was deleted. Maybe you can make a request on raymis blog to
bring back raymismom
Im so depressed
and a spider is crawling down the wall
and I can't get your zip tracey to open
my life is over now"
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