Gled (you all know him by now) had a little "contest" over on his blog and the "tiebreaker" was to be a joke. Which made me want to lighten this place up with some joke telling. I suck at the delivery of jokes, which is why "typing" them works for me. My friend, on the other hand, was a great joke teller and often (because I am blonde) told the "dumb blonde" kind, for my benefit.
Q: Why did the blonde have tire tread marks on her back?
A: From crawling across the street when the pedestrian sign said "DON'T WALK".
Q: What does a blonde Owl say?
A: What, what?
(FTR - Mom always had a couple of jokes for us whenever we'd enter the room. She, also, had very bad delivery..which made them even funnier in the end).
Let's share some good jokes here.
(Oh, and why am I still here? Dad called - the move's been delayed a bit and he wants me over on the "receiving end", at the hospice. So I'm waiting by the phone. Which means you have to put up with me a little longer ;P ).
By the way have you seen the Ants Guy's blog? I think it is amazing ... just goes to show what the internet brings us. Unfortunately he's only done 3 postings. I still said hi & put him on my links. I probably tried to force him into my competition but he probably thinks I'm some Nigerian fraud conglomerate who's going to want to know his mother's maiden name, bank a/c numbers, PINs etc just as a security procedure when he DOES win my used ping-pong ball 1st prize ....
How typical is that of me. All that blabber & 4get the bloke's url: http://ants-things.blogspot.com/ Trust me it is really entertaining. He's currently offended about this spider-breeder who wants spare ants to feed his arachnids ..(??!)
While you're at it you might as well read http://feed-the-spiders.blogspot.com/ that is the evil spider guy's ...
(I so much hope he prints my comment. It is going through "moderation"..)
Re jokes: hang on a minute YOU are blonde!! I am vaguely blond too. Vaguely. Vague being perhaps the operative word...
The redhed disguise joke did seriously make me "lol" ...
Which is in my comments under the horrorscope competition in case anyone reading this gets confused ...
I suck at jokes, and only really have two I remember.
Q. What do slinkies have in commmon with people you hate?
A. They are both fun to watch fall down the stairs!
Lame eh? Well I have another one, but it's even lamer, so I won't torture you with it *HUGGLEZ* luff you!
thanks gled...i checked it out. i love stuff about nature, creatures, animals...all of it!
used ping pong ball hey?...I needed one!! damn it.
Mel...I'm sorry, I found that sidesplittingly hilarious. When I'm tired I laugh at paint.
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