Sunday, February 11, 2007
About Me
- Name: Deb
- Location: Vancouver, Canada
"Then as it was, then again it will be... and though the course may change sometimes, rivers always reach the sea"

Previous Posts
- This is my favorite Moist/David Usher song...I lis...
- (checking my blogger isn't being ver...
- Today's ride was a bit challenging...flat tire goi...
- This is kind of how I play GH (right Ty/Linds?). ...
- Don't Watch This tc
- and i'm still's weird tonight. Across ...
- my pinky's not up to capitals tonight.i got back f...
- Lindsay came home and showed me the deal she got (...
- every one of you is at work/busy so I have noone t...
- WAfrickinHOOOOOO!!!!!
I have a feeling Alana is going to LOVE those! Well done!
hope so ;)
Deb, I love all those photos of where you grew up, great photography.
thanks tracey....i'm learning (slowly)
L M A O ! !
Oh my god Debz, best birthday present EVER!! That's awesome! I mean...DAMN, could you imagine?? Jeeze!! Twitterpated would be an understatement. :P
Thanks so much Deb, the poem, the pictures, so considerate, you're so great! Luv ya!<3
hey my girl....that's the birthday buffet if i ever saw it. Hey, us girls can dream, right?
Hope you had a super birthday. I know you have a great family so I'm sure you did it in style.
Love you lots,
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