I'm Tired Of Walking Around With My Hand On My Gun
Wow, this is the longest I've been away from blogging....bet you thought I'd been hit by a truck? Although I have enjoyed just flitting around, commenting all over the face of the earth.
Quite frankly I'm tired. Not physically, just emotionally...the whole Mom deal, you know. Add bed sores to her list of ailments and life isn't pretty over there. It's ripping me to shreds so after my visit this morning I took the entire day and walked all around the old neighbourhood. I grew up in Steveston, a two minute walk away from Mom & Dad's current house. As a matter of fact, when we moved we carried stuff to the new place. I remember walking over with an end table???
So I did a lot of soul searching, a little crying and mostly just reflected on life with Mom (& Dad). Mom is everything Steveston...she'd lived there since the 40's and I can't step anywhere near the place without it just flooding me with thoughts of her. She knew everyone in town. Had stories of every street corner, I swear.
Enough of that though. I have to be able to put things behind me when I leave the hospice, and I'm trying. So this is what my walk looked like (it was awesome - pretty soon I'll be able to get back to riding...today was way too windy):
(Click on this pic to see the larger version...it's much cooler)
I love this new house that was recently built. Not much of a yard, but all of the pictures with the geese in them ARE basically the back yard...this is the view from their balconies. (And, upon closer inspection - the bottle of wine/two wine glasses in the top/left balcony really sold me on the place).

Mount Baker, USA (again). I just think it's so cool that we can see this baby like it's right next door.
I visited my throne today (felt good).
Another crazy kiter. It was so windy that he was totally out of control a few times. I actually thought he was going to take out a few people, so I stood by with my camera (being the good, concerned citizen that I am).

Quite frankly I'm tired. Not physically, just emotionally...the whole Mom deal, you know. Add bed sores to her list of ailments and life isn't pretty over there. It's ripping me to shreds so after my visit this morning I took the entire day and walked all around the old neighbourhood. I grew up in Steveston, a two minute walk away from Mom & Dad's current house. As a matter of fact, when we moved we carried stuff to the new place. I remember walking over with an end table???
So I did a lot of soul searching, a little crying and mostly just reflected on life with Mom (& Dad). Mom is everything Steveston...she'd lived there since the 40's and I can't step anywhere near the place without it just flooding me with thoughts of her. She knew everyone in town. Had stories of every street corner, I swear.
Enough of that though. I have to be able to put things behind me when I leave the hospice, and I'm trying. So this is what my walk looked like (it was awesome - pretty soon I'll be able to get back to riding...today was way too windy):
(Click on this pic to see the larger version...it's much cooler)
You have blossoms on your trees!? At times like this I really cannot remember why I live where I do.
I love the flying bird photo - you can see their landing gear out and everything. And that is a lovely house that you photographed; I like all the balconies and honestly their backyard is probably bigger than mine. When we left Ontario we told Eva that she would be getting a huge backyard, but it actually turned out to be much smaller. We had to leave her big swingset behind. What's up with that?
I feel so badly for you mom; bed sores must so uncomfortable, poor dear.
Those are beautiful pictures. I like geese, seeing those pics makes me miss the park I used to go to in Chicago where there were always a bunch of geese...
Keep hanging in there. I think scenic walks are one of the best ways to clear one's mind...
I'm in lust with that house. Does it overlook the lake (or that body of water by your throne) as well? A girl can only dream...
Barb...the street right up the road from my place has cherry blossoms from one end to the other - I love it.
My battery was running out and I missed about 10 great shots of the geese flying right over my shoulder. But I managed to get this one and I think it turned out really good..
Aw, poor Eva...Linds would've been devastated about something like that.
Sebastien...we have loads of them here. I actually had "pet" geese when I was young.
lal...isn't that house gorgeous. It looks out over the marshy area that the geese are in and out toward the water. And, to the right, they get the full mountain view. Pretty much any of the other pics are "views" from that house.
Now I miss Vancouver even more. Those mountains...
i wandered around steveston on the weekend, was a nice weekend.
don't tell barb about all the magnolia trees blooming too....actually get some pics and tell her, why not rub it in a bit more
kelly...I WAS THERE TOO...at Garry Point!!! Damn, we could've said hello in person.
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