There are even more pics, but they require some description (which I'm too damn tired for tonight). All that fresh air, ya' know? I even got a bit of a sunburn, despite the fact that it was was a beautiful day today and really lifted my spirits. I spent far too long at my favorite spot. But I needed it. I'll finish this tomorrow when I can fill you in on the details. Good night all. This last one was taken out my living room window...I heard a big commotion and it was a bunch of school kids on a field trip (invading the neighbourhood). They were having fun in the sun...who can blame them?
There is a great Japanese garden in Chicago, problem was it was way the hell down on the south side, and I was way the hell up north, I wish I could have spent more time there.
Barb - white that called snow by any chance? I remember that...was traumatized by it.
Thanks does wonders.
junky...this is at my favorte place (where my big rock/"throne" is). The garden was being neglected and an old neighbour of mine fought to have it (semi) restored/looked after. It's getting there.
Barb - white that called snow by any chance? I remember that...was traumatized by it.
Thanks does wonders.
junky...this is at my favorite place (where my big rock/"throne" is). The garden was being neglected and an old neighbour of mine fought to have it (semi) restored/looked after. It's getting there.
Canada seems such a civilized country compared to here. Not so much that we are uncivilized but crowded out and building modernity on an ancient infrastructure. Also a lot of things aren't as good here like the railways because they were the 1st so other countries learned from our mistakes. There literally isn't room for any more trains on the tracks & people stand like cattle. It is utterly crowded out. The buses are like that too all Saturday afternoon. As if everyone's trying to escape somewhere or go to some football game but they're not. Even though there's one every 2-3 minutes on most routes they're's STILL barely standing room left. Can't remember what got me on to this. O it was your photographs.
BTW you know that thing the guy's doing with a parakite /whatever it's called: he actually goes right up in the air? I would love to try that. I've gone up on one of them behind a landrover & behind a speedboat. The landrover was most entertaining bc I was only 9 or 10 and was convinced I'd end up dragging on my knees b4 it took me off but of course this didn't happen. It was so exciting. And to think birds and even wasps get to do that every day without complex equipment. Lucky bastards.
tkkerouac said...
amazing what some sunshine and fresh air can do for the spirit...good for you
Beautiful pics! Vancouver is sooo green.
Like a big flying set of lips!... either ones, really... lol
kelly...more of the same today (although I work this afternoon - blah).
lala...Vancouver is green (and gorgeous right now). We're pretty spoiled here. - yep, can see that.
It is positively gorgeous there and look how green your grass is! Mine is white hahhaa!
I hope you get a chance to get outside more often now.
Lovely pictures, glad the fresh air helped lift your spirits!
There is a great Japanese garden in Chicago, problem was it was way the hell down on the south side, and I was way the hell up north, I wish I could have spent more time there.
wow, how pretty are those pictures!
makes me want to visit... oh wait, i live here...;)
hey frank, thanks.
Barb - white that called snow by any chance? I remember that...was traumatized by it.
Thanks does wonders.
junky...this is at my favorte place (where my big rock/"throne" is). The garden was being neglected and an old neighbour of mine fought to have it (semi) restored/looked after. It's getting there.
hey frank, thanks.
Barb - white that called snow by any chance? I remember that...was traumatized by it.
Thanks does wonders.
junky...this is at my favorite place (where my big rock/"throne" is). The garden was being neglected and an old neighbour of mine fought to have it (semi) restored/looked after. It's getting there.
Canada seems such a civilized country compared to here. Not so much that we are uncivilized but crowded out and building modernity on an ancient infrastructure. Also a lot of things aren't as good here like the railways because they were the 1st so other countries learned from our mistakes. There literally isn't room for any more trains on the tracks & people stand like cattle. It is utterly crowded out. The buses are like that too all Saturday afternoon. As if everyone's trying to escape somewhere or go to some football game but they're not. Even though there's one every 2-3 minutes on most routes they're's STILL barely standing room left. Can't remember what got me on to this. O it was your photographs.
BTW you know that thing the guy's doing with a parakite /whatever it's called: he actually goes right up in the air? I would love to try that. I've gone up on one of them behind a landrover & behind a speedboat. The landrover was most entertaining bc I was only 9 or 10 and was convinced I'd end up dragging on my knees b4 it took me off but of course this didn't happen. It was so exciting. And to think birds and even wasps get to do that every day without complex equipment. Lucky bastards.
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