Happy Birthday To You!

Today someone very special is having a birthday. It's not often that someone like this comes into your life and brings such sunshine and happiness. This person has done this, most especially for my son, but for the entire extended family as well.
A few years ago my son was having a bit of a difficult time - nothing too serious, but he was feeling a little lonely/isolated as some friends betrayed him, we were experiencing some family problems (including medical ones), and there was the typical school stuff at this age - but it all had me concerned about his emotional well being. Apparently, as I feared the reason for him holing up in his room alone was depression and I worried about his state of mind, he was making friends with someone who would become very important in his life, as well as ours.
Funny how that story goes - as an avid hockey lover he usually could be found on the Canucks website, chatting with other guys about all the ins and outs of the game. One very knowledgable fan tweeked his interest and they began a friendship. Well imagine his surprise/delight to discover his new friend was actually a gorgeous female who loved hockey (almost) as much as he did. My God, sent straight from heaven (obviously).
They've been together over two years now and she (I won't reveal her name, 'cause she's so good you'll wanna' come and kidnap her for yourself) is a definite "keeper". Not only is she absolutely gorgeous, but she's kind, caring, compassionate, hard working, empathetic, intelligent, witty, funny, easy going, fun loving, polite (a true lady, through and through) and a big time Canucks fan (as we are). Wow, that's not even really the tip of the iceberg, but you get the point.
Happy birthday to you, my dear. You've brought more happiness to my son in the couple of years you've known him than I could've ever imagined. You mean everything to him (and to US). My daughter idolizes you like the big sister you are to her. Papa thinks you're an angel. (You are). Nan, Gaga and Keath all love you too. And me, well you know how I feel about ya' ("yea beer").
Hope you're out, doing it up right today. You deserve it...you're a special person who I wish all the happiness/love in the world to. I couldn't have handpicked anyone for my son who would measure up even close to you - you two are the perfect couple. It's no wonder you're such a great person - you're from a wonderful family. Your Mom and brother are the type of people that have a way of making you feel comfortable and like they're old friends that you've known forever. The whole bunch of you are special and we're privileged to know you. You'll (all) always have a place in this family.
Love & best wishes to you, on your birthday.
(Wahoo...Go Lions!).
Love from Deb *tears*
I don't even know where to start. You have a way with words that touches the heart and it meant so much to me. I'm not so good at all that eloquence so I'll just say thank you so much I truly am appreciative and I am truly thankful for the warmth and kindness you have radiated towards me in the past 2 years. I'm so blessed to have all of you in my life, you guys are all special to me too and it brought tears to my eyes. YAY BEER!!! Love you lots, thank you.
Love the Birthday Girl.
Meant every word of it. Hope you guys had a great time. Get up TW, I'm on my way soon! Cheer hard F - we'll watch for you on the highlights!! (Oh, and the standard - if you need anything at all when you're out there, CALL. Especially afterwards - skytrain, etc. - don't hesitate...we'll be there in a heartbeat if you have any trouble.) X O
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