I haven't seen a movie in ages...no time it seems, between work, the hospice, etc.
I really like documentaries and fact based movies or comedies. A few things on my list to do are take in a movie and get to the library for some good books (it's been months).
The last movie that really moved me was this one. I saw it a few years ago, after Ty suggested it. Maybe not for everyone, but I found it riveting, a real eye opener.
Just curious...has anyone seen it?
Never seen it...
I'll try and rent it one of these days. I love all sorts of movies.
March Madness is coming up!!! No clue if you are a basketball fan, seems like you are into hockey :)
It's not real easy to get a hold of but it's well worth the effort.
I'm not too much into college bb...but I like to follow the Suns (Steve Nash is a local boy).
Mostly hockey and football are my two biggies.
Ahhhh, I didn't no Stevie was from your area, I knew he was from Canada! So we are cheering for the same player and team, yay! We can be friends after all :)
Yes, he even comes back here on his down time and participates in local little tournaments for charity. He's amazing!! Good thing we can stay friends :)
(that's too funny...i just checked your profile and hadn't realized that you're IN Phoenix. That's the only team I like/follow!)
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