To the lowlife that stole my Canucks sign from my car door: that was bought for me by my 7 year old neighbour as a "thank you" gift. I loved that magnet and had it on my fridge because I was scared that if I put it on my car it would get ripped off by a scumbag like you. So I hope karma bites you in the balls and your TV blows up just after the face off tonight. Yes, I'm bitter.
What a ... starts with B and rhymes (nearly) with "lasted" ...
... or (if you prefer) starts with C and rhymes with "hunt" ...
... btw did you know that's where the expression "berk" comes from? Cockney rhyming slang "Berkshire hunt" !!
... & also "raspberry" as in "blow a raspberry"="raspberry tart"-- I love that one!!
But to revert from that tangent... That's what I hate about theives, they actually seem to think they have a right to other people's property because "they shouldn't have left it there like that" know what I mean?
this damn game is moving right along, although your boy is playing good, that first goal was a little soft.
Barb...wouldn't you know it - first time I didn't remove it after parking and it was gone. Puck to the head is suitable punishment I'd say.
junky....they said it'd be a sleeper?? Doesn't look like it. My other boys (Sedins) are looking good. This is going to be a battle for sure.
SEE THAT SAVE...that's my guy!!
gled...sorry, so wrapped up in my game here that I didn't even respond...brain dead, you know.
I like your cussing...it's a little cleaner than mine. I should try it. Yeah, the thief who stole my Canucks sign just doesn't know that this woman gets awfully pissed when you mess with her hockey stuff.
How rude!!! Ah, I'd still be bitter too. Hope your team is still winning Deb :)
I'm so mad Al...I feel violated. We won. That's our new gig.
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