All In, All The Time, All Day Long
My day today:

(The takedown!)
I played poker all damn day...didn't plan on it, it just sort of happened.
At one point I had four games going at once. And I was doing something else at the time. Chaos.
I got on a real lucky streak and, out of the first three tournaments I entered, I placed in the payout/money in all three! I even won one of them. So I kept rolling right along. Then I got sloppy, tired and careless and played loose and foolish - "oh, I have 2 3 offsuit...sure, I'll call your all in". After 9 hours, it started to deteriorate, along with my brain.
Between hockey and poker, I think I need a bike ride tomorrow. I feel like a bit of a mess right now - scattered, unfocused and just all over the map. Hell, who am I kidding...I feel like that most days. But moreso now.
Well, I've seen enough of this screen today...time to shut it down for the night. Maybe.
I played poker all damn day...didn't plan on it, it just sort of happened.
At one point I had four games going at once. And I was doing something else at the time. Chaos.
I got on a real lucky streak and, out of the first three tournaments I entered, I placed in the payout/money in all three! I even won one of them. So I kept rolling right along. Then I got sloppy, tired and careless and played loose and foolish - "oh, I have 2 3 offsuit...sure, I'll call your all in". After 9 hours, it started to deteriorate, along with my brain.
Between hockey and poker, I think I need a bike ride tomorrow. I feel like a bit of a mess right now - scattered, unfocused and just all over the map. Hell, who am I kidding...I feel like that most days. But moreso now.
Well, I've seen enough of this screen today...time to shut it down for the night. Maybe.
I've never played poker before, sounds addicting. Sunday is a great day for a little bike ride, hope the weather cooperates!
Well I'm back Al. Had to pic Linds up from a concert/dance thingy so I'm now winding down.
I can remember my parents teaching me poker when I was about 10....Mom was a poker lover and was really good (she made a lot of money at it).
I hope the weather cooperates too...I don't mind clouds or rain, it's the wind that kills me.
Well they owe you money back and one day you will collect.
I gambled my last £1 on a horse. It didn't come in. So I took about 200 of the stubby little pens they dispense free in betting shops as "recompense" ...
That was a few months ago.
Those pens are so dreadful you get to write about one page before they splutter, fizzle, fade and go back to the great stationers in the sky. My grandparents on my Mum's side only EVER used those betting shop pens - for everything. I'm sure the manufacturers were more generous with the ink in their day, though ...
Oh, sorry your horse didn't come in Gled. Racing's just started here again (last weekend) and we'll be going next weekend. I'll take pics to show you how beautiful it is there.
The Kentucky Derby was run yesterday...I didn't bet it though (good thing - my horse came third). The favorite came from the back of the pack to win it...a great horse!!
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