Temporary Absence
I won't be posting/commenting much over the next little while, but I will be here in short little spurts. Seems my world is crashing down and then there's Christmas. I'm tired of being negative and that's all I'm immersed in right now so I think I'd rather just go visit "happy places" (yours).
Aside from the most important things - the kids and Mom & Dad's health concerns, it seems my "reno's" have taken a drastic turn. Things were very "slow", in part due to what I went through with Mom, now the contractors (there are several different ones) are hard to connect with. They'd run into problems in the bathroom because a) things weren't built up to code (no ventilation!) b) they couldn't find a toilet with the "irregular" clearance necessary or a shower to fit in with the angle of the drain. So, long story short, things came to a standstill. Now that the sewer is backing up and I've been dealing with that, the property managers kind of let it "slip" that the insurance company/restoration company want to "close the file", it's been too long. They're not coming back...they've desserted me mid job. Pretty crafty... when they ran into difficulties they didn't return phone calls and then *voila* are saying "we don't want to do it now". Should've thought of that before your brilliant ideas of "constructing" walls and showers that I didn't think were necessary (and require a ceramicist to complete). Your promises of "it'll be better than ever" kind of leave me cold at the moment. I wanted one of those angular, glass showers that my neighbour just put in...you, however decided something a little more "Sistine Chapel" was in order. You're not Ty Pennington, for chrissake. Or queer guys with straight eyes or Nate. You're smelly plumbers with the cracks of your asses hanging out, o.k.? Got that? Idiots. (Please note...I'm not referring to ALL plumbers, just these particular ones.)
The worst of this...all this time (since July), as they've dicked around and scratched their heads, noone thought to cap the open toilet hole that's down there. I didn't think twice about it - they're "the experts", right? Who am I to question their practices?...(I did...noone answered). There's no electricity/light in there right now so I didn't venture down there much at all. Just passed by and assumed things were in order. My insurance company had, afterall, highly recommended this restoration company and turned down the bid that was comparable from the contractor I knew/trusted, the one that we've always used in the building. No, these guys were real "pros" (you mean friends of yours, right? You came together, in the same car...kind of gave it away).
Anyhow, it turns out it's pretty hazardous NOT to cap it and we're lucky we didn't go *KABOOM* like the first of July. Scary. I've lost a lot of sleep lately, questioning, worrying, tossing, turning. I wonder about the health implications of the mold now growing where the leak was. And the fumes we've been breathing since July. I'm shit scared and going to my doctor on Thursday so he can help shed some light on all of this. I've been through the ringer and don't know if I have the energy, but a trip to a lawyer might also be in order. Maybe. Maybe not...they cost money. But I'd sure like to fix these bastards who have taken advantage of me when I'm weak and have jeopardized the health (lives, even) of my children. That one I can't get over.
(Oh, and to add insult to injury...when the plumber came on an emergency late night visit last week to unclog the sewer, his report was that it was "bunged up" with construction material - flanging, drywall, etc. His offhand comment to me was "yeah, the muckers like to play with sewers". Apparently they've been using the hole as their own personal garbage disposal. That, or they've carelessly let stuff fall in there. Either way, unacceptable and unprofessional.)
Thanks for listening. I feel so much guilt right now in raining on the Christmas parade...have you guys ever seen the "Debbie the Downer" skits? That's me right now. My lack of "commenting" on your blogs doesn't mean I'm not there, visiting, it just means I'm so drained I can't even make these little fingers type much anymore.
Aside from the most important things - the kids and Mom & Dad's health concerns, it seems my "reno's" have taken a drastic turn. Things were very "slow", in part due to what I went through with Mom, now the contractors (there are several different ones) are hard to connect with. They'd run into problems in the bathroom because a) things weren't built up to code (no ventilation!) b) they couldn't find a toilet with the "irregular" clearance necessary or a shower to fit in with the angle of the drain. So, long story short, things came to a standstill. Now that the sewer is backing up and I've been dealing with that, the property managers kind of let it "slip" that the insurance company/restoration company want to "close the file", it's been too long. They're not coming back...they've desserted me mid job. Pretty crafty... when they ran into difficulties they didn't return phone calls and then *voila* are saying "we don't want to do it now". Should've thought of that before your brilliant ideas of "constructing" walls and showers that I didn't think were necessary (and require a ceramicist to complete). Your promises of "it'll be better than ever" kind of leave me cold at the moment. I wanted one of those angular, glass showers that my neighbour just put in...you, however decided something a little more "Sistine Chapel" was in order. You're not Ty Pennington, for chrissake. Or queer guys with straight eyes or Nate. You're smelly plumbers with the cracks of your asses hanging out, o.k.? Got that? Idiots. (Please note...I'm not referring to ALL plumbers, just these particular ones.)
The worst of this...all this time (since July), as they've dicked around and scratched their heads, noone thought to cap the open toilet hole that's down there. I didn't think twice about it - they're "the experts", right? Who am I to question their practices?...(I did...noone answered). There's no electricity/light in there right now so I didn't venture down there much at all. Just passed by and assumed things were in order. My insurance company had, afterall, highly recommended this restoration company and turned down the bid that was comparable from the contractor I knew/trusted, the one that we've always used in the building. No, these guys were real "pros" (you mean friends of yours, right? You came together, in the same car...kind of gave it away).
Anyhow, it turns out it's pretty hazardous NOT to cap it and we're lucky we didn't go *KABOOM* like the first of July. Scary. I've lost a lot of sleep lately, questioning, worrying, tossing, turning. I wonder about the health implications of the mold now growing where the leak was. And the fumes we've been breathing since July. I'm shit scared and going to my doctor on Thursday so he can help shed some light on all of this. I've been through the ringer and don't know if I have the energy, but a trip to a lawyer might also be in order. Maybe. Maybe not...they cost money. But I'd sure like to fix these bastards who have taken advantage of me when I'm weak and have jeopardized the health (lives, even) of my children. That one I can't get over.
(Oh, and to add insult to injury...when the plumber came on an emergency late night visit last week to unclog the sewer, his report was that it was "bunged up" with construction material - flanging, drywall, etc. His offhand comment to me was "yeah, the muckers like to play with sewers". Apparently they've been using the hole as their own personal garbage disposal. That, or they've carelessly let stuff fall in there. Either way, unacceptable and unprofessional.)
Thanks for listening. I feel so much guilt right now in raining on the Christmas parade...have you guys ever seen the "Debbie the Downer" skits? That's me right now. My lack of "commenting" on your blogs doesn't mean I'm not there, visiting, it just means I'm so drained I can't even make these little fingers type much anymore.

Oh Deb, I am so sorry to hear what you are having to go through and deal with. We'll keep checking back and when you're ready to blog we'll be there for you. In the meantime do take care.
Crap! That last comment was from me, Toccata. Ocean Renderings is not a blog I just use it to send stuff to my parents from. It's complicated but it's the only way I know how to do it what with my lack of computer skills and all!
What a frick'n mess you have there. It seems like it's getting worse and worse. I really hope it all works out for you.
Man, glad I'm not a plumber. I bet there are some ears burning somewhere. Ha.
Good luck.
Deb, this is just so unfair. You seem to be having everything happening to you - the person who least deserves stuff like this.
You guys should just pack a bag and come spend Christmas at our place. Our bathroom is grubby and falling apart, but at least it's not going to blow up on you.
Things better start looking up for you or I'm going to kick some cosmic ass!
Oh Deb, I'm sorry you have to deal with this amidst the family stuff you're trying to concentrate on.
I think we should contact Mike Holmes for you!! Set those buggers straight. I do hope that if you go the lawyer that take some action, this inexcusable. Thinking of you, take care.
*HUGS for Debs* Sorry you are going through this. I like both Barb and Allison's ideas! xox
I'm going to do a very generic "thank you" to all of you. It's just so strange how everything's snowballed and, despite trying to remain positive, the wheels are flying off the cart here. Still not saying uncle...I'm stubborn as hell and today I decided that, as long as we're all alive, I need to start "living" and quit worrying. So if the place blows up here it's gonna' be while we're having a roaring good game of Hoopla or doing something fun. I've always loved Christmas and this is the first year I haven't even been able to bear thinking about it. And I'm going to change that - that's just not like me. Nothing's going to cramp my Christmas spirit, damn it!
Thanks again, you guys mean the world to me and, although this sounds dramatic, I truly don't think I'd survive without your support. Knowing I can come here for some comfort, as well as a laugh, means the world to me.
(Now I just had my first positive sign, my damn Canucks finally clobbered another team so I'm thinking things are changing. You're wonderful - all of you.)
About time those damn Canucks did something! I surely do hope things are going to turn around for you. You are so due some good solid Christmas cheer.
Rob, for some reason I can't comment on your blog anymore. :(
Mel/tocatta...our boys finally gave us some goals. I had to listen to most of the game on the radio as I drove Ty and his girlfriend out to Surrey. But I caught the last period. I was sad about Jovo though...he was one of my all time favorite players. I heard people boo'd? If they did I'm embarrassed for the entire city....classless. They can't call themselves Canucks fans if they boo Jovo - he was a huge part of our team.
Deb...one person shouldn't have to put up with all that shit...sorry to hear about it, no need to feel bad about posting it here. thats one nice thing here you can vent and rant all you want. In spite of what you're goping through I hope you do find some good times, and some joy during the christmas season
Don't ever tell my husband this, but if it will help, I will even cheer for the Canucks to beat the Flames or even, gasp!, the Leafs.
Kelly...thanks for the words of kindness. They're very much appreciated. I'm changing my mindset to "no damn plumbing's gonna' keep me down". We'll see how that works. We're getting a tree Sunday so I think things will kick into overdrive then, as far Christmas spirit goes.
Barbara...my God, you are a true friend if you're willing to make a sacrifice like that!! I'll be getting that jersey fitted ASAP (before you change your mind!).
Just came over to lend you some moral support. Hope things are sorting themselves out a bit and settling down. You deserve far better than what life is dishing you out at the moment. Do take care.
You should call a news agency about your tales of woe! I bet they could get you some action!!
thanks tocatta, I'm considering that news thing...might be a way to get results.
It's nearly 3:30 a.m. and I'm having my third glass of wine. Which is dangerous for me...I don't drink. I'll post tomorrow about how I "tuned back in" to the important stuff again - the REALLY IMPORTANT stuff. Went to see mom and, in a matter of days, she's deteriorated drastically. It's heartbreaking. Screw the house, I've got something much more important to focus on...as long as that sucker's capped now and we're not likely to explode, I'm going to spend what time I have with my mom.
Oh Deb, my thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. Man, this is when I wish I had some magic potion I could whip up and send you. Take care my friend.
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