Me, My Bike & I
Again my head is full of stuff I want to blog about but so little time....worked, then went for a very much needed bike ride. Only problem - I couldn't find my walkman (YES I STILL USE A WALKMAN AND I'M NOT GOING TO QUIT UNTIL IT DOES). It's the Sony Sports model and I've had it since about '85. It's my workout one and has been dropped in lakes and kicked down stairs and I think I even dropped a 10 lb free weight on it once and it didn't even flinch. I love it. It's my best friend.
(And, ftr, I have an MP3 player and it's a wuss)
I get really bitchy if I have no music on my ride - I don't EVER recall riding before today without some because I can just barely pedal without it. So it kinda sucked and I didn't quite put the energy into it that I usually do. I usually ride like a maniac and almost wipe out and stuff. Because in my head I'm 17. That may change.
So I have to decide which route to take...I have limited time here. I want to post my ride pics and tell stories about them because there are stories for every one. Remember last year when I got my camera and that's all I did. I want to do it again. So, we'll see. Remind me of the mega million dollar bowling alley house one, k? It's important in my development.
I also want to "compare" some from last year and this year from the same spots, to see what's new/different.
And I still need to do that little project I wanted to do last year, which is show you the very weird/diverse street I live on. On the same mile and a half stretch of road we have: A Chinese Music School across the street from a dairy cow barn/farm. A broken down piece of crap barn with the roof caving in wedged right in between mutimillion dollar homes. Also an old mobile home with tons of antique farm equipment. A dog kennel/training facility. That big huge fortress that they're building that I still can't make out what the hell it is...remember, I blogged it last year and said if we were attacked, I was running down the street to hide at that place? Well the damn things still not finished - it's massive. That pic will be later. So, to continue with "the street", there's one of the finest horse stables around, where world class jumping events are held (for free...oh, remember, I blogged from there too?). Another thoroughbred stable where my favorite racehorses live. I go bribe them before I go to the track and bet them. I really do...I take them apples and stuff (they love granola bars) and then I give them the eye as they parade to post at Hastings. Mind control.
Anyhow, it's like the street can't make up it's mind. It's part 1930's farms mixed with a little brand new canine, equestrian stuff. Some multi million dollar mansions with bowling alleys in them, a golf course/country club (where the Canucks go sometimes), churches, music schools and mobile homes, ducks, coyotes, Mercedes, Jags, tractors...throw 'em all together and wadda' ya get? Fuck if I know. Confusedville.
Last thing - I still suck at photography. It's the fish that got away syndrome....I snap a picture of something mediocre right before something really astonishing happens (that I miss). It happened today. I'm sure I've missed a UFO shot.
For now, I'm going to do none of this because I have to cook dinner and it's late. So here are some pics from today and I'll try and blog later because this stuff's gonna be good. Enjoy.
(and again, I'm bragging about living in the most beautiful place in the world. Nananananaaaana. Mel, wasn't the view Mountabulous today?...the first picture's Baker though, it doesn't belong to us. It belongs to the Amercians, but I want it because it matches our set).

(Even though I layered up, I forgot gloves and it got really cold so I will take the rest of the pics on the next sunny day. This will include the barn that's held up by about two 2X4's and the little mobile home that's owned/lived in by the people who own almost all the land on the entire street.)
(And, ftr, I have an MP3 player and it's a wuss)
I get really bitchy if I have no music on my ride - I don't EVER recall riding before today without some because I can just barely pedal without it. So it kinda sucked and I didn't quite put the energy into it that I usually do. I usually ride like a maniac and almost wipe out and stuff. Because in my head I'm 17. That may change.
So I have to decide which route to take...I have limited time here. I want to post my ride pics and tell stories about them because there are stories for every one. Remember last year when I got my camera and that's all I did. I want to do it again. So, we'll see. Remind me of the mega million dollar bowling alley house one, k? It's important in my development.
I also want to "compare" some from last year and this year from the same spots, to see what's new/different.
And I still need to do that little project I wanted to do last year, which is show you the very weird/diverse street I live on. On the same mile and a half stretch of road we have: A Chinese Music School across the street from a dairy cow barn/farm. A broken down piece of crap barn with the roof caving in wedged right in between mutimillion dollar homes. Also an old mobile home with tons of antique farm equipment. A dog kennel/training facility. That big huge fortress that they're building that I still can't make out what the hell it is...remember, I blogged it last year and said if we were attacked, I was running down the street to hide at that place? Well the damn things still not finished - it's massive. That pic will be later. So, to continue with "the street", there's one of the finest horse stables around, where world class jumping events are held (for free...oh, remember, I blogged from there too?). Another thoroughbred stable where my favorite racehorses live. I go bribe them before I go to the track and bet them. I really do...I take them apples and stuff (they love granola bars) and then I give them the eye as they parade to post at Hastings. Mind control.
Anyhow, it's like the street can't make up it's mind. It's part 1930's farms mixed with a little brand new canine, equestrian stuff. Some multi million dollar mansions with bowling alleys in them, a golf course/country club (where the Canucks go sometimes), churches, music schools and mobile homes, ducks, coyotes, Mercedes, Jags, tractors...throw 'em all together and wadda' ya get? Fuck if I know. Confusedville.
Last thing - I still suck at photography. It's the fish that got away syndrome....I snap a picture of something mediocre right before something really astonishing happens (that I miss). It happened today. I'm sure I've missed a UFO shot.
For now, I'm going to do none of this because I have to cook dinner and it's late. So here are some pics from today and I'll try and blog later because this stuff's gonna be good. Enjoy.
(and again, I'm bragging about living in the most beautiful place in the world. Nananananaaaana. Mel, wasn't the view Mountabulous today?...the first picture's Baker though, it doesn't belong to us. It belongs to the Amercians, but I want it because it matches our set).

(Even though I layered up, I forgot gloves and it got really cold so I will take the rest of the pics on the next sunny day. This will include the barn that's held up by about two 2X4's and the little mobile home that's owned/lived in by the people who own almost all the land on the entire street.)
You do live in an incredibly beautiful place! It looks like a great place to go for a bike ride without too much crazy traffic.
But what's with that huge McMansion?
There are actually more than one. But the "Ivy Manor" one is funny to me. That's the one with the bowling alley in it. It's owned by one of the biggest developers in this area.
When I was working at the treatment centre, one of my friends was a man eater and she wanted me to get away from my then boyfriend (my ex) and come join her. One day this really good looking guy came in and it was the son of this developer...L knew him and had a lightbulb moment and tried to hook me up with him (she was twenty years older than us, explaining why she didn't just capture him for herself). I wouldn't go for it and she hounded me for months, trying to change my mind.
Everytime I ride by there I think "if I only knew then what I know now". Still probably wouldn't have (although he was drop dead gorgeous).
That is a very interesting street! It was a gorgeous day today indeed! The mountains looked magnificent!! Mountabulous is a great word :O)
I thought of you and wondered if you saw how beautiful they looked too. I love sunny days.
I'm green with envy at your shot of Mount Baker! It looks so gorgeous. I have tried to take shots of it from my view here but it never seems to really show up in the picture.
I always walk with my tunes but I never bike with tunes.
the good thing is that after I do this stretch of road it's all riverbank trails so I don't have to worry about traffic. The road ride gets a little scary at times....there's no shoulder at all heading south.
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