Saturday, February 27, 2010

Oh hai there

I really don't want to let go of this place, despite the fact that I only seem to come here for quarterly visits.

This is where "the internet" really started for me - where I "met" the dearest people. So I just won't let this place die. Flounder around, blue and lifeless - yes. Die - no.

I'm working, full time, as a Customer Service Mgr for a moving company. I thought I hated my job, but it seems that that was attributed to one nasty coworker (who, apparently, I helped get canned). We had 3 fights within the first month of my employment...I'm blaming her for all of them. She was an extremely negative bitchy bitch and everyone agrees that she was toxic to the environment. So now I love my job, as it's a rather happy place. Much freedom in a family based deal. Plus, I just heard we get tickets to a box at GM Place for Canucks games so, I guess I'm a lifer now.

I suppose the biggest news here is that the Olympics are in town. The place is electric - people are having the time of their lives and the gorgeous, spring like weather last week didn't hurt either.

In Richmond (where I live) we have the speed skating "oval", although I've never stepped inside it (yet). It's a lovely big piece of skating rink, although somewhat intrusive in its location, which was once a quiet little spot where I used to walk by the river. There was also a trailer park there, which I find rather ironic. But now it's just a bustling hub of activity. And a big, freakin' traffic jam.

I did venture down to the "O Zone", which is fairly close to my place and a stroll up the road from my Mum in law's (knew I hung onto the ol' gal for a reason). I felt I needed to participate in something, although I'm quite happy to just watch the whole ordeal from the comfort of my living room.

I saw the Canadian Tenors there - they were fantastic and it was a great experience. To see people from all over the world, coming together in a united show of bliss, is really quite something. People of all ages, singing "Oh Canada" and braving the cold of night to be a part of it all. Connecting in a way I've never seen was like we were all floating through a dream - the lights, the sounds, the smiles. It was beautiful and euphoric. Then I stepped in puke outside the Holland Heineken House and it snapped me back to reality. "Oh yeah"

Although I'm really quite opposed to the whole idea of the massive costs associated with Olympic games, I love them despite that - always have (I just think Deb's bargain basement could do them cheaper). As a sports fanatic, I can't get enough of them and almost miss the fact that I don't have to stay up all night, watching in different time zones. I mostly watch the events from work, on my laptop, then come home and watch the replays.

But I must admit that this is a big deal. The feeling here, everywhere you go, is fantastic. It's like Christmas day, every day. The streets are filled with people wearing flags and clown suits and everyone's friendly, smiling and, well, drunk. To see the streets filled with people giving way to one another instead of elbowing to be first in line....waving out the window without using their middle fingers, is quite lovely. And there's cowbell...what more can I say?

My daughter is totally immersed in the whole deal - although it's funny how, as a family, we're all experiencing the games in totally different ways. (Uh, speak of the devil, there she is now...)
She's totally caught up in the music end of things - I think she's taken in a free concert every night since the games began. She does it a little differently than I do but, hey, she makes it up onto the big screen and gets the crowd cheering. She's also lined up for 5+ hours to do the zip trek over Robson street. Twice. (She's an animal). Me? - I'm quite content to open my living room window and hear things from afar.

My son took in the hockey game last night at Robson Square (which is the place to be for us poor folk). He said it was awesome - despite the pouring rain, thousands of people still poured in there. Oh wait, I see what I did wasn't intentional. For the most part, we're really behaving nicely as a city/country. I've been holding my breath, waiting for another riot ('cause that's how we roll here), but it seems that we've learned how to party the right way.

Although I do feel sad that I'm not really "involved" in a hands on way, I don't feel left out. The spirit of the Olympics is everywhere and although I never thought I'd say this, I'm going to miss them when they're gone next week. I like it when the world parties in my backyard and I feel proud of how things have gone.

Our athletes have been stellar - true class acts with so many stories of courage and inspiration. I won't go into details (that's what Google's for), but amazing.

For those who really know me, you know that MY Olympics are this weekend, when the hockey gold is decided. Although I watch all the events, cheer like a crazy woman in my red and whites and hold my breath for each and every finish, the hockey kicks it up a notch for me. It's intense. I'm a little over the top (like this guy).

So I'm sitting here, drinking pounds of coffee, waiting. For tomorrow. That's when Lu and the boys will do me proud, like every other athlete this week who's given it their all to entertain us lame brain couch potatoes.

In a nutshell, I really do wish I had had more money time to get involved at the street level of things. Although I was initially somewhat resistant to being "invaded" by the Olympics (hey, I like my space), I can say they've been an absolute blast as far as I've seen and from all accounts around me. And, although I can sit back and look at pictures that others have taken along the way, it's gone by too quickly and I wish I'd seen/done more. It crept up so slowly it seems...and then BAM, it's over. Back to quiet, comfortable monotony I guess.

UPDATE: Apparently I am now joining my daughter and her friends to participate in some of the hoopla tonight, as we're heading to Wintersleep (her second time seeing them this week) and Wide Mouth Mason. While I don't know Wintersleep, she tells me it's like an hour long jam session. And Wide Mouth Mason, well, they're family (my cousin married in..they played at her wedding). So it's my duty - I must go. And even moreso because my daughter has extended an invitation for me to join them. What kind of mother would I be if I didn't?

Back soon.


Blogger Gledwood said...

Hi Debs... Thanks for replying! I'm glad you're surviving... Trouble at work... I just had to read down and was sure I'd come across the word "she"... what a surprise! Whatever happened to Sisterhood?... Hey at least you're in a supervisory appointment ~ that is something, surely!

I should be getting my own computer soon, so I'll be able to keep in touch far better than I can in half and one hour windows at an internet cafe's convenience....

I'll be in touch soon. Take care and all the best



2:44 PM  
Blogger Toccata said...

The hockey was amazing. Right from the first loss to the Americans and then the come back trail with Luongo in goal to the ultimate winning goal by Crosby. Loved every minute of it.

I thought our athletes were amazing both on and off the podium. What fantastic role models.

It was so nice to read you are enjoying your job.

7:27 AM  
Blogger Barbara Bruederlin said...

Congratulations on your job, Deb! That is such great news and no wonder you are busy!

9:43 AM  
Blogger Gledwood said...

Hi Debs how's it going? I hope you're surviving and the new job is going OK.

I am still "surviving". Had dreadful eye trouble yesterday. Seriously thought I was going to have it "lavaged" as I believe they call it, for hours at the eye hospital. But an expert Filipino nurse turned back my upper lid, poked on a professional "Q-tip" and declared "here's the culprit" ~ it was tiny. The size of a speck of pepper, not from a grinder but from the cheap stuff, "white pepper, 15p a pot". And this bloody thing had been in my eye all night, all morning and all afternoon until she dabbed it out.

I hope you're feeling better than you were. You sounded well depressed before your hiatus...

6:40 AM  

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