Pics From My Bike Ride (Steveston)

I ride the same route 2-4 times a week and these are things I see along the way. I'm very lucky, my street is a country road, with farms and open fields. Which is quite deceiving because that's just at the south end of it - head north and it leads to the heart of the city and the main bus route/soon to be RAV line. It's a real contrast. I head up to the dyke trail and ride into Steveston, where I was born and raised. It's such a cool place - they've really fixed it up and it's a beautiful, scenic ride full of color, nature, and spectacular views of the river and mountains. We're very spoiled here...."ssshh, it's a secret". I plan on posting a lot of pics, just because I want to show you how beautiful it is here. Enjoy.
1) Splash Toy Store (my daughter's favorite shop in Steveston)
2) Shady Island (people cross over the rocks to get there...what they don't realize is that at high tide they're completely
submerged and there is no way to get back, leaving them stranded until the next low tide!)
3) A blue heron in a ditch just up the road from my place.
Is'nt it a wonderful province we live in? :) Great pics Deb!
Yes it is!! I'm really starting to appreciate it more these days. The "stop and smell the roses" is appropriate for me right now.
I'm always in awe of how green it is here. Vancouver has the most beautiful flowers, OMG the flowering trees and bushes,etc. Last winter I saw pansies in my neighbors garden ...think it was January for crying out loud! :) I will never get over how gorgeous it is here. Cranbrook and the East Kootenays where I'm from are nice, but this is spectacular!
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