Friday, September 22, 2006

OK - That Was Then, This Is Now

Ha, spoke too soon. The plumbers arrived this morning to complete the trench that they're digging to access the water line. They hit something (a line of some sort) that sparked everywhere, scaring the shit out of all of us. They don't know what it is. They're "on hold" until they determine what the hell they hit (that oozed black oily looking stuff into the trench). Hhhhmm, that repreive from shitsville was rather shortlived, wasn't it?

It's not as bad as the possibilities that I'd faced earlier in the week, but more delays and problems (and I have to leave for work soon, meaning the job waits until Monday now).

Yes, I am smiling. I've learned to do that, despite all of this. ;)


Blogger Barbara Bruederlin said...


Mat I suggest you buy yourself a little bit of really good chocolate on the way home? You need it.

2:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about a bottle of liquor instead?

6:25 PM  
Blogger Deb said...

How about chocolate covered liquor?

Turns out it was some sort of power line they hit! The poor plumber...after the Hydro guy taped the wires together (yes, that was his solution), the plumber went back in the trench to resume digging. I'll be damned if a loud "pop/band" didn't knock me outta' my socks a few minutes later and I went out to find smoke billowing from out of the trench and the plumber climbing out again....a little shook up I might add. The Hydro guy went back in, put more tape on the wires and so on. It was like watching the Laurel and Hardy tag team.

I left for work with them out there and have arrived home to find that yellow caution tape surrounding the front of my condo (damn, wish I had my camera). It looks like something straight out of CSI - a big grave like trench with black oozy stuff in it, surrounded by the tape. Kind of creepy. Better take down the welcome sign for awhile. I'm actually laughing over the whole deal...for some reason I'm finding it all funny (and I didn't even get the liquor yet).

7:18 PM  
Blogger mellowlee said...

I'm with Barbara, chocolate all the way. Go to Purdy's and stock up for the weekend Debs! Jesus! After that description, I am curious to see it. If I ever find out who stole your camera I will beat the living shit out of them!

9:53 PM  
Blogger Deb said...

Thank you Mel. Keep your eyes peeled for a Canon Power Shot A430. If you see it, knock the guy to the ground, stomp on his abdomen and grab it and run. It's blue. (Like me).

Funny, I just did another post and had forgotten that I'd updated here. I'm so wrapped up in everything that it completely slipped my mind. So I'm tellin' the story all over again (oh well, at least I'm getting it off my chest).

11:43 PM  

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