And The Sun Came Up
I've regrouped (thanks Barb, little things mean a lot). The sun actually is coming out here again, meaning the river/my bike's calling me before work. I have to find my stupid walkman first because a bike ride without my music is like a massage with clothes on.
It'll be a long day out/work/hospital. And laundry needs to be done (my washer's screwed so it's the laundromat for me - kill me now).
Oh and if you d/l PJ's new cover of The Who's "Love Reign O'er Me"'s porn. Or at least that's what I got.
Some more pics from yesterday:

This is near the start of my ride. I head south and this road ends at the Mount Baker view/dyke trail. Then West along the trail (which skirts the entire island) until I hit Garry Point. I sometimes go further, making it to Dad's in Steveston. But I usually get sidetracked there and then am really late getting back, so I usually skip's a 15 or so mile ride so time factors in. (and I should tell you I was riding while taking this, explaining it being off kilter. I like it like that).

This is the monstrosity that they've been building since last year's bike rides. I have no idea what it's going to be? Ideas?

Rush hour. You get cars passing tractors all the time here. Makes it interesting for us bike riders, who have no shoulder on the west side of the road. The guy in the tractor is my buddy, "Tom's Dad". That's how I've known him for years (and I'm Lindsay's Mom). He laughed as he passed because I'm back on the other side of the road, the shoulderless side, nearly getting nailed by cars as I try and take pictures. I laughed because he had a joint in his mouth. (I took the pic from afar because I didn't want it to be too obvious I was taking his pic).
This is a house I took pics of last year - they're still not quite done. It's right on the river, by the boat launch and one day I'm going to live on the river. But then I probably wouldn't bike ride, would I? Hhhmm.
The house on the right used to be two doors down from my Grandma's, about two miles away from here. I used to play there. They moved it over on a huge barge (I watched them - no camera then) and then restored it, as a heritage house. You'd think, with these gorgeous big houses, they'd leave a little "breathing room"?
This gorgeous creature was the pic that got away. Right after this, he flew up and swooped around right in front of me, only to be followed by his mate, who I hadn't seen. They had massive wingspans. Shit. Gone. And that car almost frickin hit me.
Well, that's all for now folks. Stuff to do. As Linds would say, peace out
It'll be a long day out/work/hospital. And laundry needs to be done (my washer's screwed so it's the laundromat for me - kill me now).
Oh and if you d/l PJ's new cover of The Who's "Love Reign O'er Me"'s porn. Or at least that's what I got.
Some more pics from yesterday:

This is near the start of my ride. I head south and this road ends at the Mount Baker view/dyke trail. Then West along the trail (which skirts the entire island) until I hit Garry Point. I sometimes go further, making it to Dad's in Steveston. But I usually get sidetracked there and then am really late getting back, so I usually skip's a 15 or so mile ride so time factors in. (and I should tell you I was riding while taking this, explaining it being off kilter. I like it like that).

Well, that's all for now folks. Stuff to do. As Linds would say, peace out
Yep knickers in a twist is it!! Those are lovely pixx btw.!!
The blue heron is my absolute favorite bird. It always makes my day whenever I see one. Whenever I see the bird I think of the words, "A Solitary Blue."
Ok so that is now 2 great pics you have managed to get that I haven't! Grrr! No jealousy on my part! :)
thanks gledwood, glad you came by.
toccata...I love them too - we have them all over the place here. and thanks.
The Township I work for has the Blue Heron on its' seal, we literally can do nothing without moving Heron's, so many, so big.
I don't know if I have ever seen a heron in real life. We have crows here.
I would love to go for a bike ride on your street - there's so much to see!
I'd love that junky. I'm a bird nut. My Dad & brother are hunters and I used to chase the birds away that they were aiming at.
Barbara...that's so sad that you've never seen one. I see at least one on every bike ride. And re the ride - it's awesome. I never get bored of it and I've been riding the same path for years. The pics I've posted are from the first quarter of the ride...there's so much more to it. My favorite part is at the end. Pics of that later.
(which, btw, is a good way to get shot at)
Come back at the end of the day to more posts, what I like to see! I'm glad today was better for you Deb.
thanks guys are troopers for hanging in during my insanity. Well, it's always been there, it's just amplified a bit now. Again, thanks - you're a sweetheart. A squirrel bashing sweetheart.
Those birds play havoc with fish ponds!
I can see you on the wrong side of the road trying to get pictures while someone with a joint is laughing. Ha.
That's happened to me too. Really. Ha. Really.
Forgot to mention the heron. We have one around here (or some relation - all gray). They are so big and pretty.
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