If you check back 100 years in my archives, you'll hear the same ol' story, but I'm finally going to focus on "moi" for awhile. If you do remember that post, you'll also recall I made reference to the fact that I've never been in poorer shape than I am now. My entire life I've worked out (hard) and am even trained as an instructor...that being said, I've been a lazy lardass lately. And, with all the stuff going on with Mom, it would be quite easy to cop out and say I don't have time to fix me. But I want to. And I'm going to....today was the first step in that direction. I hauled out the stepper and some of my (light) weights - I believe in starting slow. And, come hell or high water, by summer I'll be wearing shorts again. And not heaving as I lift that heavy head of lettuce from the crisper.
Now, could someone please cue the Rocky theme?.......
Right on Deb! I was going to buy myself an eliptical trainer today, but after picking Dev up at the airport, and buying him a guitar downtown granville, then coming back home, then going to another music store on the Drive to buy a distortion pedal, its now 5:39 and Im wiped out! Its cool that we are both getting back into working out at the same time. Im one step behind ya :)
I should join this club. Hmm, I like to procrastinate so maybe I'll check back in February.
Wahoo Mel....we can exchange sore muscle stories and
deep heating medicines.
Great that you bought Dev a guitar...I bet he's thrilled with that. And you must be glad he's back!!
toccata...c'mon. Join in. I tend not to make new year's resolutions but I guess I started thinking about the new year as a new start. A little behind but that seems to be how I operate. It's kind of funny how it started today...I had some really upbeat music on that I liked and started to move, like a "warm up". Then I thought "what the heck, I'm halfway there" and quickly got changed/continued. It was a very "light" workout...just enough to get me started. I tend to be a realist and know that it's going to take awhile to be back where I was. C'mon, join us and we'll have a "Curves"/Jenny Craig support thingie going on. We can be the Blog Blobs. Then, after awhile we'll be the Blog Babes. You're officially in.
da da daaaaaaaaa, da da ddaaaaaaaaa!!!! (that was Rocky)
Good for you! You've inspired me to keep on working out as I've been slacking a bit the last few months and gaining weight. Enought of that. You will be my source.
Oh fine, I'll become a member of your blog blobs. I can definitely believe you are a trained instructor. A pushy trained instructor! lol
I'm into walking and biking. Actually I exercise a lot but I eat like crap. That's what I'll have to change if I want my status to change from blog blob to a blog babe!
O.K. Barb...you're in. We're gonna' pep talk each other. Do the coach in the corner of the ring motivational yelling stuff, o.k.?
I know you've been doing some working out, 'cause I remember you making music mixes for the occassion. I did that today too...which is key for good workouts for me - I have to love the music to get into it.
The eating thing has become a bit of an issue for me, too, toccata. I used to be really disciplined but now, not so much. Unless chocolate is a vegetable and someone forgot to tell me??? Damn, it's not.
Candian Tire has a sale on elipticals starting thursday. Hopefully I will be able to stop there friday after work and buy a cheap(ish) one. Wish me luck!! :) Im so bad, I had sherbert after dinner Bad mel BAD BAD BAD!!!
I don't think sherbert's too bad. Actually, my philosophy is have anything in moderation...a taste of this, a bite of that. I think it's just too hard if you completely deprive yourself of yummy things. My problem lately is in the "moderation" part. Portions too...they need to be unsupersized.
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