Hang In There Gleds

This is for my new friend Gled, who's probably packing his bags right about now and jumping on the next plane to anywhere. Bird flu worries and I recall hearing a tidbit but I've banned the news here for awhile because it was all weighing too heavily at an already low time. Stuff that was worrying me from the news was out of my control...I have my own stuff going on here at home and didn't need to add to that. Selfish, I know....it's called survival. But now the only thing I'm watching is the Happy Face Unicorn Hour, remember?
When the Y2K freak out was going on, I bought into it. I stocked up on everything but kitchen sinks and my daughter and I found ourselves running to Safeway at 11 p.m. and loading up on "extras", just in case. She was completely panicked...I was slightly less hysterical but still required some extra oxygen. And....nothing. So, 413 flashlights and cases of water bottles later and we're still here.
I do know one thing...worrying helps with nothing. What's going to unfold does and the best we can do is calmly prepare ourselves for the worst but don't expect it - it may not come. And all that negative energy is for nothing.
Not long ago EVERYTHING in the world worried me. SARS, Mad Cow, earthquakes - you name it. But it becomes overwhelming and isn't the point of life to live it, enjoy it? Personally, it was all sending me into a tailspin...not worrying about me in particular (death doesn't scare me). But the overall picture for my kids...what their lives will be like. At some point I threw up my hands and began thinking "que sara sara". And then the roof caved in!
Hang in there Gleds, it'll be alright.
Actually you'd think after all that hype a coupla years ago people'd be freaking more they're not ... people get hysteria-fatigue.
Also I know it's a bad strain, but I heard somewhere that ALL new flu starts in birds. That's just what flu does.
I've not seen any signs of mass Exodus (yet) ....!!
Whats going on?
I go to work and England goes all 28 days later or something.
All you can do is prepare (reasonably) and hope for the best. One thing people don't realize, all the "experts" say you should prepare for 72 hours when rescue crews will get to you. I think it might be longer...all the fire, police and ambulance have family to worry about too....they will likely make sure theirs are safe before they venture to work
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