Friday, August 10, 2007
About Me
- Name: Deb
- Location: Vancouver, Canada
"Then as it was, then again it will be... and though the course may change sometimes, rivers always reach the sea"

Previous Posts
- Back to work today (blah).So, in order to fire mys...
- If you've read this blog for anytime at all, you'l...
- Yesterday was a weird one, kind of a roller coaste...
- A quick hello.I have a pretty important post tomor...
- Today I was on a mission after work. It was a dan...
- Dreaming
- Boy, have I really been away that long? Geez, tim...
- A quick post, as I'm exhausted tonight. I worked ...
- I'm being a lazy blogger again...just not much to ...
- Wow, the laundromat was a trip tonight. When I ar...
hahaha with a few modifications, I'd buy one of those!
I thought the same when I saw it Barb.
I'm so anal I'm so far the only one to realize they spelled whining wrong...
seems to be useful
Har har har. Very funnee. You got the plot for a Jim Carey movie right there in a remote ...
Hey didn't someone write a film about a remote that you could use to pause real life? I'm sure they did but haven't for the life of me a clue as to what it was titled ...
junky....yeah I wasn't quite sure about that word...I thought maybe they meant "winging" as in "wigging out"? Not sure. I'm anal too when it comes to that stuff.
rop...would be, wouldn't it? Although I'd like the female version that could "adjust" the gas passing and dirty clothes on the floor.
gled...there was a movie called "Click", but I haven't seen it.
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